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Jan 14, 2008
United States United States
Finally I got up the nerve to try driving my stick shift car. I did it with no challenges at all! So I've been released by my doctor to return to work, released from PT after meeting all the necessary challenges, able to drive my car, able to walk up steps like a big girl! Now if I could just get completely off my pain meds! I am feeling so good tonight. Might even stay up late with my hubby who doesn't have to work tomorrow! I go back to work Tuesday for 4 hours a day.

There is hope out there. I am at 8.5 weeks PO today. I'd like to celebrate with a bit of Bailey's, but those dang pain meds...

Thanks to all of you for helping me get this far. I still have periods of depression and cry for no reason off and on. I still have days I just want to stay in bed and cry/sleep. But I'm happy to have a good day today.

I like what someone posted as the Navy Seals motto - The only easy day is yesterday. Amen!

God bless and Happy Valentine's Day to all.
Skeet, what a great day for you. I am so happy to hear it. As long as there are some good ones mixed in, that in itself is a great accomplishment.
Here's to more and more great days!
It won't be long for the Bailey's. I would like to join you.
It's a deal, Kath. We will share a virtual Bailey's when we are both "healed"!
That is great news Skeet. You all can do the Bailey's, I'll sip the bourbon with you!!!
Today was a strange day for me. On one hand it was my fourth week post TKR. Overall I have no reason to complain. I'm driving, can do stairs, no therapist, good ROM.
BUT, I have never had such a deep depression come over me. I had a real pitty party. My wife was at work, son in school. I sat here lamenting things. Tired of being cold, tired of pills, tired of hurting, tired of being tired.(it's now 1:55a.m.)so I'll be tired tomorrow. My knee had a deep ache all day. Not sharp pain, just ache. I bet I iced it for 8-10 hours. The dark cloud is gone but I am still having to lay into the pills.
I do plan to have a killer work out this a.m. so I can keep marching towards the end of the tunnel.
That was me with the SEAL quote. Kind of funny because there is a program on about them as I type.
With that in mind, tomorrow is another opportunity.
You all have a good night. Hopefully you are asleep right now.
I know how you feel....the pain "wears" on you, doesn't it? You want to feel good - real good - you're sick of thinking "knee" all of the time. I do have to admit that I enjoyed the "cold"....I'm 51 and had NO hot flashes while I was taken the blood thinner. I'm off of that now and I'm flashing to beat the band!!
I a week farther along that you....being back at work really helps me keep my mind off of myself...although, I ache even worse when I get home.

keep on keeping on!!
Is yours just a deep ache?? I don't have a specific location of pain. It is just the whole joint aches.
yes, a deeeeeep ache that I can't rub away. I suppose it's the gizmos and whimmiediddles that are growing back together.

I did do something yesterday that surprised me, though.....I crossed my operative knee over my good knee without thinking. That was a "wow" moment....although I couldn't keep it there for a long time.
I just got back from talking with one of my old Lieutenants who had both knees replaced.
He laughed at my plight and said that with one month down, I've got a minimum of two more months of a higher level of discomfort before relief. Those "whimmididdles" have to heal.
It's funny about the knee crossing. That has been one of my goals. Not there yet but close. See ya later. ***Whimmiddles sure did throw spell check for a loop!!
I sure don't wish this deep ache pain on anyone but I am glad that someone else understands it. Yesterday I worked all day, not a bad day, but the light at the end of the tunnel was I had a date with my husband to go out to dinner, maybe hear some music. I got home, we diddle daddled about where we were going, finally decided on a local place. I was just so tired, but I didn't want to ruin the night. 6 weeks out and I just wanted to have fun with him. Well we went, I didn't feel quite right, but I didn't take pain meds since the morning, thought that way I might have a glass of wine or something. So we got to the restaurant, I ordered a nice death by chocolate coffee, drank maybe 1/3 of it and just did not feel good. Flushed, nausea, I wasn't a fun date.
I ordered an appetizer only, didn't even finish it and the whole time it wasn't that stabbing old pain, but this whole leg ache up to my hip that I was just drained. I spent most of the time in the ladies room, we went home, I went to bed, got up at 1am and went to the sofa. Got up at 3am, 5am, 7am and finally got up and went to work. I am actually at work now between events (catering) so even at 6 weeks it isn't over yet.
doug, glad to know about your friend. So my original goal was to feel great by my birthday which is June 11 (since I am going in for my next surgery in 4 weeks) I guess I better just keep that date for my next real date out....ha ha...for now staying home feels best.
It is good to know I'm not the only one with the pitty parties. I am often depressed and crying. I am frustrated to the max about the constant ache and the stabbing sharp pains of nerves healing. Heat, cold, massage, crying, nothing works!! My family has been great letting me cry and just sitting with me until I get through it. They deserve a medal for putting up with me!

So, we all have like 12 weeks of this before we have relief? I hope you're right. I het this so much and i'm going to have to go into work soon. I just can't take the pain meds forever and they are the only thing that really helps with this.

Just typing this is putting me back into tears. I'm so tired of this. I dreamed that there was this board (I think it was at the doctor, but not sure) and next to my name they had a post it with the word "weeper" on it. Can't even escape it in my dreams!

Pray for me as I am returning to work Tuesday for 4 hours a day. I just accepted a new job so I'll be busy transitioning and doing two jobs probably for a couple of weeks or so. I want to make a good impression but I don't think I can do it without some pain meds and that makes me a bit loopy.

Oh, to be healed!!!
You might want to talk with your Dr. about pain med options. My thought on this is , one pill for light pain, two for more intense, etc.
I have one med for during the day and one that is stronger for the night.
Cuts the pain but sure doesn't help the sleep. Best of luck at work.
I put allot of weight on my friend as far as us having three months of discomfort. This guy is a former all around great athlete who is used to dealing with pain.
This weekend came at the right time. I was getting pretty lonely around the house with me and the dogs.
You all have a great weekend.
I'm 5 1/2 weeks Post op. I went back last week....working half days until Friday and it turned into a full day. I actually CRIED and moaned all the way home (about a 15 minute drive)........knee was so swollen and aching from being under a desk for 8 hours. (I know, it's my OWN fault!!) Took a full round of meds and went to bed - stayed there until this morning.

TAKE IT EASY and do NOT forget to remind your co-workers that you are FAR from being ready for normal active work. It seems as soon as you start to act the least bit normal, the world thinks your healed.

Take it slow and I wish you the VERY best with your first week back at work!!
I am blessed by you all. Thanks! I am going to work from home for the most part, and I can pick the 4 hours I work, so it isn't all in a row. I do have to go in for a few meetings, but only a few. The drive is 30 minutes so I am trying to do most things from here. I can cry without an audience!

I use Norco 10/325 for pain. I take one before bed, then one like every 9-10 hours or so until bedtime again. I cannot take NSAIDs due to having taken them so much in the past, so I'm limited to Tylenol which isn't the best remedy for me. I do have some Norco 5/500 that I could use when I go to work maybe. That's a good thought. Thanks!

The best part is that my new manager is still recuperating from back surgery and understands the challenges of returning to work. he said he came back too soon and was glad I waited 9 weeks. At least he seems understanding.

You all are the best. I so appreciate your sincere love and support. God bless you all!!

Don't forget that along with the unremitting pain and effort to keep going comes depression. It's not that you are wusses or weak or pathetic - not at all. It is inevitable that this all begins to wear on your nerves and get you down. I am not suggesting that you need treatment or anti-depressants - though if you are really depressed you should talk to your doctor about it - but just be aware and go easier on yourselves.

Give yourselves a hug from time to time for getting this far. And spoil yourselves occasionally as well. Indulge in a nice big cup of hot chocolate (or what ever tickles your fancy), cuddle up and what something really entertaining on TV. You deserve it!

BTW - Happy Feet is my current personal favourite, or Finding Nemo!! All good, distracting entertainment!
OK, Im going to share another thing with you all. I started taking an anti-depressant prior to my TKR. Its called Cymbalta, besides dealing with the depression of the recovery, it actually is said to have some pain releiving qualities. I do not think I would have gotten out of the depression on my own during my recovery.....actually, it made my spirits better before and after the TKR....its non narcotic and can be stopped at any time as per my Dr. 90 MG per day. Just my 2 cents again here. These 2 cent posts are going to add up, lol. Who is buying me a Starbucks? Check their website....Cymbalta, not Starbucks :)
Chuck, It's tuff to have to start paying for coffee isn't it?
I have been depressed more since my surgery. I find that every time I take a pain med, within 30 minutes I am crying. This is pretty consistent. I take a mild anti-depressant, citalopram 10 mg, every day and did before surgery. I'm thinking of calling the doctor to see if she might consider upping the dose or something.

Do others have these crying spells with their pain meds? I'm wondering if it is the drugs, the surgery, the pain, me, or what?

Thanks for all the advice and support. I think part of it is that I just am frustrated and ready to be over all this. It's only been 9 weeks tomorrow... that seems like an eternity right now. How long before I start feeling better!?!?!

I don't feel like crying, but my wife of 31 yrs. did have to clip my wings a couple of times this morning. I deserved it. I think my response to the discomfort, lack of quality sleep, the meds, and depression is being ill tempered.
Although I need the meds, I know I shouldn't drive for four hours after taking them. There are things I want to do, but for the first couple of hours after taking them, I get the mild fog that comes from the pills.
I think the thing that keeps helping me is this site, and the conversation I had with one of my former Lieutenants this Friday. He has had both of his replaced and he told me to suck it up that I will hurt for three months at minimum.
I just have to make sure my wife doesn't have anything she can throw at me!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you all---

It is so good to know I am not alone in so many of the feelings you all are talking about. The frustration, the pain, the tears.... wanting to go back to work but being afraid to.... and how to manage the pain and pain medications around trying to get back to having a life.

I tried my first "night-out" on Friday night. We went to a wedding reception/party and I thought it would be such a nice diversion/activity. Just putting on clothes other than sweat pants and slippers or walking shoes was my first wake-up call! Standing at the bottom of 2 flights of stairs and looking up to the ballroom where the party was located was the second...... we walked around the building and found the entrance to the elevator at the back. A 1/2 glass of wine and a few nibbles of wedding cake and I was in tears and ready to go home.

It is a beautiful sunny day in Oregon today(abaout 60 degrees). I reluctantly started taking the ocycodone er again and with the Norco I am in little pain at the moment. I went outside and did a few easy tasks, then strapped on my walking shoes and started to head out the front door. My "honey" Scott (and I thank God every day for all he has done for me these past weeks) said "Exactly WHERE do you think you are going now? " I said I was going to go for a walk in the sunshine-- he suggested I settle for a "sit" in the sunshine instead.... patience is obviously not one of my virtues.....

Thank you all---
The depression we're all talking about here seems nearly universal for TKR patients. The combination of the overwhelming stress of major surgery, the ongoing, chronic pain, the drugs we take for the pain, and the changes in our lives all add up. Especially in the early weeks, I felt so isolated and dependent. I cried when I was able to drive the first time - it was such a huge leap forward to get out of the house and be on my own.

I do some contract work with a mental health practice - there were two clinicians there who had TKR within the past 1-2 years. They gave me lots of info about what to expect - but neither one mentioned the depression! You'd think mental health professionals would be more in tune with that. I have already let some people know who are facing TKR that the depression is very possible and to think about how they might handle it.

Chuck - thank you so much for sharing that you're taking Cymbalta. For some reason, our society makes it harder for people to acknowledge that they're taking meds for depression (or anxiety) - it's really helpful for other people to know you're taking that and it's helping you. From what I know about that med, it's a newer anti-depressant and very effective with a low rate of side effects. Not everyone may need an antidepressant, but it sure helps to know it's available if someone needs it. And there's nothing wrong with needing it.

Talking about this helps more than anything else I can think of. As many of you know from my earlier posts this week, I hit a new low point. You have all helped energize me to pull myself together and do what I need to do this week.

Bless you all and like Josephine suggested - do something nice for yourselves.

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