Hi, Doug! I had my TKR in August, which was my 7th knee surgery, so I can totally relate to your situation. I'm 60. Some of the best advice I got from a friend who had TKRs on both knees was to set the CPM at 90 degrees right from the start. She figured this out with her second knee and found she recovered her ROM much quicker. So when I was in preop, I asked my surgeon about setting the CPM to 90 as soon as they hooked me up, and he agreed it would be a good idea, since my leg would be numb from the nerve block and spinal (I opted for a spinal instead of a general). Once the numbness wore off, I found I needed to dial back the flexion, but it really did give me a jump start. Once you get home, I'd strongly encourage you to use the CPM as much as you can throughout the day and night. You'll have less pain, and you'll regain your ROM all that much sooner. However, one mistake I made was NOT getting up often enough throughout the day to maintain my overall strength and endurance. So do get up and work on your crutch walking every couple of hours. I ended up getting weak as a kitten, which became a real problem. At the same time, you do NOT want to push yourself too much. Listen to your body and do what it tells you to do. Don't be afraid to take your pain meds - this is NOT the time to be macho and tough it out. The more you fight the pain, the harder it is to heal. Hope that helps. Best wishes for a successful outcome.