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Four weeks on, ache from butt to foot

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Sep 19, 2007
United Kingdom
My full knee replacement surgery was on 23 Aug. I was up and about pretty quickly, needing a stick only for walking outdoors where paving may dip, by the 5th day when I was discharged from hospital. My physio appointment after 2 weeks said I was doing well on my own, go home and continue doing what I was doing. So I am.
Yes, I've had some sleepless nights though they did calm down some until about a week ago since when I've been finding sitting very uncomfortable ... I'm short and tend to 'dangle' from chairs anyway! Finding now that I have an ache in my butt cheek, feeling of brusing in my thigh and calf, right down to pain in the top of my foot, the outer side - somewhat similar really to pre-op.
I got some cream, similar to the heat type for sports sprains/bruises, except this is no smell/heat and after an almost totally sleepless night I slathered this on and did manage some decent sleep the next night.
There's a numb yet stretchy feeling on the outer side of my knee.
I am pushing myself to do flexibility exercises but just get so uncomfortable once 'relaxing' due to this ache which almost feels like a trapped nerve.
It's really the leg, rather than the knee that is causing most discomfort.
I don't want to be a pain to the physio/GP, like a gal crying wolf so just wonder if others have experienced this post op discomfort when sitting?
I've got more than 90 deg flexibility, not sure how much more ... I only visited physio once and don't have to go back for a fortnight!
Sounds like sciatica to me, Julie. With very characteristic referral pain down the leg. This may or may not have anything to do with your op. But it may have a lot to do with the way you sit and how you have been positioning yourself.

How do you keep your legs up when sitting?
Have you ever had back pain before?
When you say "I have an ache in my butt cheek" is it the very part you sit upon?

All of these tell me it's sciatica. Either way, I'm pretty sure it's not to do with your new knee, not after eight weeks.

Can you get to see an chiropractor? I'm sure he/she would be able to help you.
Hi Josephine,
Thank you for your response. It's actually only 4 weeks, today, since the op but nonetheless I'm rather inclined to agree with you that the problem is more to do with seated posture.
Today I did my post op exercises thoroughly and followed this up with around 40 mins of pilates exercises and then for my rest laid down on the floor with my knee supported.
I do feel this has made a difference today and shall continue with this regime.
Yes, I did one time about 15 years ago have a similar, but worse problem ... I believe from getting a new bed which was TOO hard. I saw a chiropracter (McTimoney) but a couple of days later my leg collapsed when I lifted my arm. The next day I saw a masseur who concentrated on the butt pain area and then 'hung' me, from his neck, thus stretching me out. I came out from that session dancing and didn't look back!
No, the butt pain isn't on the spot I sit but about 3-4" above that area, in the centre of the left cheek.
I have mainly been in a sort of semi-reclined position ... on a chaise longue ... reading while resting.
I've had my back supported while sitting today so my posture is upright. Hopefully the stretching and no slumping will put paid to this current problem.
In the meantime .... I think I got more bend in my knee today and must have walked faster since I felt quite a glow when I stopped!
I had an epidural by the way.
Thank you again. If nothing, this post can serve to caution people to make sure their posture is correct !!
Oh that's so good to hear! Can I also suggest you get a small, rolled up towel and place it behind you on the painful spot when you're sitting. It acts as a kind of acu-pressure. I do this on occasion and it is very effective.

I'm so pleased you have got some relief.
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