So, it's been a bit, and I've been to more appointments for tests and consultations than I'd like! The MSK ultrasound (musculoskeletal ultrasound, which takes still and video shots of muscles and tendons) shows likely the quad tendon is okay, may have degredation at kneecap.
The upshot from all doctors is that a revision is necessary. No one is sure why, and some are puzzled why my pain is where it is, given the frozen bent status of my leg. However, a revision may result in the leg "freezing" in a straight position, and there is some question as to whether or not my muscle tone will come back in my right thigh. Walking would be possible, at least, with it stuck straight. I hope scar tissue is not the main issue causing my problems, so that I can maybe expect a better healing from a revision.
In any event, a revision it is. So far, May 16th is the closest date, and way too far out for my liking. I still need a walker to walk, and can't drive! This, for almost 5 months now! The doctor with that date did say that, if I did go with him, he would fit me in, becuase he said, "I can't leave her like that!" What a refreshing comment to hear from a doctor! I have a call in, but don't have a closer date at this time than May 16th.
The local expert has May 26th, so we will have to decide if 2 weeks is worth the drive to Columbus for not only the surgery, but likely 4-5 follow up visits. If Columbus sets me in mid-April, like he said may be possible, then we will travel!
I am feeling much better since I got off all meds, had withdrawal symptoms from both the hydrocodone (knew I would) and the gabapenten (that was a surprise). I spent about 10 days after quitting each feeling like I had the flu. The nausea was awful. I even went to urgent care, and they diagnosed withdrawal from gabapentin. Since I got better each time after a bit, I assume that is what was going on. My February was spent being sick most of the time.
My mental state is better now, but now the forced inactivity is driving me nuts! I want to create, but can't easily get upstairs to my craft room. I want to work, but live 35 miles from the office, can't drive myself, and everyone I know works. I have one friend who has turned out to be my angel and is driving me to work 2 days a week.
I have been somewhat occupied the past few weeks doing theme and decorations (Glitz & Glam) for a surprise birthday party for my daughter, who just turned 40. I am not sure what I will be doing in the coming weeks to keep me from going stir crazy!
Thanks to all who respond and all who post. Sorry this rambled on and on, but it is nice to not feel alone, not blame myself for this situation in which I find myself, communicate with those who truly understand, and I feel the support that runs through this website.
I will update as news warrants it.