O.K. since you asked.
I have another Dougie story.
I dropped my wife and son of at 6am this morning for them to go on a chorus field trip out of town.(Thank you Lord).
Went to work out.
Went grocery shopping. Picked the duck up for the dogs.
It was starting out as a beautiful day so I decided to get my camera and go to the beach. I wanted to do some distance walking in sand and play with the camera.
I went to beach called Mash's Sand. It is an isolated beach that apparently has a number of late night parties form the evidence left behind.
For a Florida beach it isn't so great because it is located in the bend of Fla. where three fresh water rivers run into it. The water is brown swamps the rivers flow through.
Parked the truck and reached back to get my camera. There was the monkey.
I went to the back of the truck to get a walking staff and yep there's the duck. A story was born.
I picked up the beer bottle and put it along with the duck and monkey into a backpack.
Nobody else was around when I left.
I walked a ways down the beach, took the picture and reloaded the stuff in the backpack.
As I walked back to my truck, I noticed another car had pulled up and two ladies were setting up to relax on the beach.
They were between me and my truck so I had to walk by them. They were both youngish (50ish). As I approach, they both started taking their clothes off. Now they had my attention and I held my stomach in.
One of them actually stepped towards me and started asking about why the water was brown and about the area. Turns out they were down from Delaware.
Since I was close to my truck, I reached back and took my pack off. We were standing there talking and I put the pack under my arm to reach for my keys.
As I lowered my arm to hold the pack in place, the damn duck quacked, the monkey growled, and the woman took a step back and I think re-accessed if she wanted to talk to me.
How do you explain that. A man with a duck and monkey in a bag. I didn't.
I smiled wished them a good day and left. See what I go through to make you guys smile??
Another day in my life...
I'm giving the gay duck to the dogs....
I'm going to spank my monkey.(shut up Gat)