My kids all learned to do their laundry as 14-15 year olds. Kevin is great at laundry, ironing , housework and cooking.
When I was in the hospital having my hysterectomy, I was 31, he looked after my 3 kids, aged 3, 5 and 7 as well as keeping the house spotless and the laundry and ironing up to date. He used to take Dan and Jon to school, then take Laura to playschool (pre school), come visit me 12 miles away, pick Laura up at mid day, make her lunch, keep house, pick boys up at 3.15pm, bring them all in to visit, go home get them tea, bath them all, put them to bed, get a sitter and come visit me. He did this for 10 days straight. Superman eh?
He is still babying me now, I have just had to persuade him to let me to go down the basement tomorrow and do the laundry myself. He is so kind and considerate, I love him to bits. Now I am crying again!!