foot swelling

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new member
Jul 25, 2009
United States
Hi. I had krt 6 weeks ago and went back to work at 4 weeks I am having a lot of swelling in leg from the knee to the foot and sometimes it is just the foot is this normal :pzld:
Swelling is usual and happens when we either stand or sit too long with leg down. Try elevating the leg above your heart and keep icing it. Can you elevate at work? Take breaks regularly or maybe cut back your hours if this isn't possible. Also try taking some sort of NSAIDs like naproxen sodium, ibuprophen, etc.

Remember you need to alternate from sitting to standing in intervals to avoid excessive swelling and stiffness. Get plenty of rest and increase your water intake.

If the swelling continues after trying these things, contact your OS and see if there is something he can prescribe to you for the swelling.

Take care...hope this helps some.

Welcome to the forum, Tnshirley. We're glad you decided to join us.

There can be a lot of swelling in your leg following a TKR...especially when you try to go back to normal activities as soon as you did. Was there some overriding reason why you had to return to full time work? Most people at your stage are still at home resting, icing, taking pain meds and working with a therapist to gain ROM (range of motion). You would be much more likely to have less pain and swelling if you did that. Is it possible to take some more time?

I have some questions......what pain and anti-inflammation meds are you taking? How much are you working each day? Is there a commute too on top of actual hours on the job? What is your ROM and did you work with a therapist at all? Are you now?

"Normal" is a relative term with knee replacements. Everyone heals differently. There are a few on the forum who were able to go back to relatively normal activity levels at 6 weeks (not really at 4, though). Most cannot until about the 12 week time frame. And even then, it is advisable to work part days at first. You will be tired. This is major surgery and it really takes a toll on your body!

Sorry to ask so many questions, but it helps to have more details about your personal situation.
I 3rd that. To much trying to be normal. I think we all do that. Yes Ice and out that knee up. I think I learned the hard way......I hope you see a difference.....Good luck to you....
Jaime thanks that is good advise. In answer to you questions the doctor oked me going back at 4 weeks he said light duty but I have been working 6 to 8 hrs a day. I do keep it up some and ice it some and I can sit as much as I need to. I 2 aleve in the morning before I go to work and and sometime 1Lortab when I get home. My ROM is about 100 it was 120 at 4 weeks the therapist said that was great for 4 wks. I do not go the therpy now I only went for 4wks. she said that I did not need more. I do still do the exersices at home. thanks Shirley

The loss of ROM is from the swelling. If you continue to ice and elevate and do your therapy on your own, it will improve again once the swelling goes down.

My knee swells from too much sitting. You need to get up and walk around some to work out the stiffness, then elevate and ice as much as you can. I know this sounds boring and time consuming. It is, but it is the only way to avoid going backwards and loosing ground like it sounds like you have done.

Back off on the work to the doctor's orders of light duty. You can do your pt on your own without difficulty. Try some exercises in the pool if you have access. It takes the pressure off the knees and feels wonderful while getting a good workout.

You need time to heal from this HUGE surgery. Hopefully your job will understand and you will be okay financially in the meantime.
Rose Good advise I have been thinking about cutting back to half days I work in retail as a receiving clerk and with the economy they will not mind. I walk around the receiving area but use the motor cart to go any where in the store. Thanks Shirley

Even at 6 weeks, riding the cart around for any length of time caused me to swell so much it was difficult to walk when getting off. It was the position my leg was in, with the foot down that caused this. It would get numb, but when I stood up, there was pain and swelling all the way to the foot. Sounds like this may be the case for you as well.

Hope you are able to make some compromises so you can heal without delays. It's no fun to play catch up. Been there, done that!
You're going to hard, too fast. Cut back on your hours, rest more, ice more, make sure you take pain meds so you are not in pain. Pain causes swelling as well as vice versa.

I had an exceptionally good recovery but have only just gone back to work and I'm 4 months! Could have gone back a month ago but not before. I think sometimes people expect too much of themselves and doctors haven't got the sense they were born with!
you could be right about the dr. I am going to call him monday and see what he has to say. Whatever he says I am going to cut back on work and just do have days and come home and rest and ice more. Just worried about blod clots. Shirley
:thmb:Easy does it, Shirley! Recovery isn't a race! Every day will get better and better,hopefully! You're on the right track!!
Try not to worry about blood clots. They are really rare and you should be fine with just your normal activity around home. They are more of a problem when a person lies in bed for long periods of time (or in a car or on an airplane). A person at home in recovery actually does get up and around quite a bit - fixing meals, bathroom breaks, up for exercises, getting ice, going back and forth to the computer....all that stuff that you don't realize you do.
Nothing you described led me to suppose anything like blood clots. Nothing at all.
Hi The doctor said the same thing you guys did about the swelling, I am taking it easier at work and the swelling is a lot better. This week has been really good compared to the first 2 weeks of work. Thanks again for all the great advise, I am glad I found this site and have told others about it at work,some of them have had hip replacement. Shirley
We are glad you found us dont know what I would do without us... he he are always here for you..These people are the best......Please take it easy relax and eat ice cream works for
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