I went to the OS today. I saw my x-rays and the implant is a thing of beauty. Everything is lined up, straight, and level. He said he corrected the leg from bow-legged to very slightly knock-kneed which is the natural position. I didn't know that. I guess I'm a bit ahead of the curve for recovery. Extension is 0, flexion is 111, and I walk heel-toe without a limp. He told me I no longer had to wear the TEDs, I can use a cane, and otherwise just keep doing all that I'm doing because it's working. He said that knee-cap should no longer klunk when all the fluid is resolved. He rapped on it and it made the most horrendous, unnatural noise--creeped me out. He said that was because of the fluid, and when that resolves, so does the noise and klunking.
I had PT after the visit, so now I am medicating, icing and elevating.
I had PT after the visit, so now I am medicating, icing and elevating.