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First Post-op OS Visit

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Jun 20, 2008
Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States
I went to the OS today. I saw my x-rays and the implant is a thing of beauty. Everything is lined up, straight, and level. He said he corrected the leg from bow-legged to very slightly knock-kneed which is the natural position. I didn't know that. I guess I'm a bit ahead of the curve for recovery. Extension is 0, flexion is 111, and I walk heel-toe without a limp. He told me I no longer had to wear the TEDs, I can use a cane, and otherwise just keep doing all that I'm doing because it's working. He said that knee-cap should no longer klunk when all the fluid is resolved. He rapped on it and it made the most horrendous, unnatural noise--creeped me out. He said that was because of the fluid, and when that resolves, so does the noise and klunking.

I had PT after the visit, so now I am medicating, icing and elevating.
Awesome! It's nice to hear someone other than a doc or a nurse regard the xray as a 'thing of beauty'! Good for you.
Good deal Linda. It's amazing how crooked we are without realizing it til it's fixed, huh?!
Very exciting news! It is great to get a good report from the OS, isn't it? We're really not too used to that, are we? Sounds like we'll have to get used to it, though! Glad to hear it, and keep it up!!!

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