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First Fall in the Road this AM

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May 20, 2008
New Hampshire
United States United States
Well I have to say I gave my knees their first big test with trauma this AM. I got tripped up in the road by my neighbors dog running between my legs and down I went hard on both knees and my left elbow. For crying out loud, I look like one of my preschool children who are forever showing me their "owies"! I have 2 scraped knees and a scraped left elbow. The right knee has a hematoma in the incision scar, deep purple about an inch long........ Sigh.
My knees work fine, feel good, not stiff at all, but I know I will feel the result of it in the AM tomorrow after sleeping (if I get any). I took 2 Aleve, and iced.
So, I survived, but it scared be good......

Just thought I would share.
Oh Crystal,

Know how scary that is! I hit a slippery patch in my asphalt driveway just TWO weeks after my PKR. I fell hard with two big hematomas and bleeding, swelling. Scared the holy heck out of me. Jo reassured me that the implant was so far into the knee the fall would not have hurt it. She was right. Ice, rest, ibuprofen, elevation. It was fine. I had an Xray a week ago for another problem and the prothesis is fine.

Know there have to be big owies on both knees and hope you feel better soon. So sorry that it happened. Seems our knees are just our Waterloos.

Sorry to hear about the fall--but glad that you picked yourself up and although your skin is scraped, it looks like your knee is okay. What a relief!!

I was huckleberry picking yesterday and slipped on beargrass. I fell about 50 yards--face first!!! I was very happy to crawl up onto my knees and get up. I guess if we are going to be active, we are going to fall!! Good thing those knees are metal. Kelly
Oh no Crystal I think you are the 3 person in 2 weeks to get tripped p by a dog...Geez people do need to watch their dogs....I hope its not to bad in the am. Taking care of it now might help I hope......Take it easy if you feel anything weird in that knee you call your Dr.....My prayers are with you....:)
Oh noooooo,,
I am so hoping you don't hurt to bad tomorrow. One really good sign is your knees are working fine now. I have heard more stories about dogs making people fall. We have allot of dogs in our neighbor hood also. Two of the neighbors just bought Great Dane puppies,and they are the size of small elephants already. I warned both neighbors,,they trip me,and I fall,,guess what,them little elephants are going to fall as well. trust me,lol.

I hope all is well with you Crystal,thank the good Lord nothing worse happened.:thmb:
Oh, OW! :shk: So sorry to hear this are doing so well, would hate to see you regress. Just take it easy and know we are praying for you.

:wow: Are you doing OK? I had a fall similar to that years ago only this was a very tall dog and I fell backwards onto my butt. The only thing that got hurt was my pride. I just sat there on the ground and laughed my butt off.

Make sure you keep ice on both knees and go to the Dr. if you are still hurting in the morning.

Take care of yourself!!

BTKR 7/20/09
Oh Gosh!!! Sooo sorry about your spill, Crystal! You were smart to ice and "alleve"! Now we ALL know how dangerous dogs are....big AND small! Hope you take it easy for the rest of the day! ((:0)
:rant:Sorry to say it, but I'm thinking experiencing a fall is a routine part of recovery for almost everyone. It means we're livin' life....cuz these things happen when you're out and doing things. I'm glad you are okay. It will probably hurt for a while - soft tissue owies - but you should be fine. Now....about that dog......:pnc:
I was walking in town today and the pavements all seemed so uneven, I was constantly afeared of tripping up! Take care of yourself, Crystal.

So sorry to hear about your fall. I do hope all turns out well.

I know in a lot of States they are not like in Texas where just about everyone has a fence around their back yard. Also our laws are pretty strict. You have to keep your dog on a lease or in a confined area. Feel sorry for the pets as they can get hurt running around loose.
Oh my Crystal,

I am so happy your ok with scrapes and brusing but no knee problems
This is one of my biggest fears Falling/tripping/slipping. I guess all people fear this when they have had hip or knee surgery. Take care and be careful

Gods Blessings
Battle scars can heal! We ALL need to be careful! Not so easy in REAL LIFE!!!
Oh one of my big fears..falling. It hurts to think about it. We have a 90 pound golden retriever and he spends the day in the kennel and as much as I feel for him, I won't get him out on my own and the sad part is I am usually home first and he knows I am here. He is so wild and I just won't risk it. Hope you aren't sore tomorrow. Take it easy.
WOW! I am glad you are okay.

Another word of caution on dogs - A few years ago I was pulled off my deck by my dog. I landed head-first at the foot of the stairs with my body on the stairs. I suffered a traumatic brain injury, a torn liver, torn spleen and multiple other injuries. This happened the day I was referred to a surgeon to have my knees replaced. Thankfully my knees were not further injured in the accident.

I love dogs - but just be careful around them.
Wow I do hope you recovered well.

I am very cautious of dogs big or small. They can trip you as well.
I have a little Maltese and he loves to run in front as I am trying to walk. We are getting him out of it, but it is taking time. I just can't take the risk of him tripping me.
I just saw this thread about your fall. OUCH, OUCH, OUCH! I hurt just thinking about it and I feel so bad for you. I hope you're doing better today. At least it's the weekend and you don't have your little charges to chase around. Be good to yourself and heal well.

Thanks to all for your good thoughts and prayers for my recovery. I had a tough night last night sleeping, or trying to sleep. My kneecaps are swollen, scraped, bruised and traumatized. I have scrapes and swelling on both of them, but I am sure they will heal in time. I also have a large scraped left elbow with lots of swelling and bruising. I played 9 holes of golf last night after work and went out to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant. I took today to rest and relax. Paid the bills, trimmed some shrubs, read a book, made a broccoli cheese bacon salad (needed to be made a day ahead) and iced my knees! Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow as we are heading to some ski school friends home on a local lake to kayak, canoe, swim, visit, drink, & have a pot luck meal. It should be lots of fun!
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