I am about 11 months and 4 months post-surgery for both my knees. I have had extremely postive results and basically recovered from the recent surgery!! Prior to the decision to have my first total knee arthroplasty I did considerable research on the surgery, doctors and prosthesis manufacturers.
I am very adamant that there are two keys to having the best potenial for a postive outcome.....select a doctor who is highly specialized in knee replacement surgery; then commit to the physical therapy. You should be able to locate several doctors in the DFW area who only perform joint replacements (knees, hips, etc).....they should be doing several hundred a year (my doctor does over 500 knees per year).
You should also select a physical therapy facility that has extensive experience in knee replacement re-hab...the staff should be master or phd degreed physical therapists. Many are affiliated or part of a hospital....also many now have "wellness centers" which usually have physical therapy capabilities. You might also go the one of these facilities and ask the physical therapists their opinion as to which doctors have the most successful patients!!
Happy to share my specific details if you so desire.
Spring, Tx