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Finally, Rode My Stationary Bike!!

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new member
Mar 25, 2009
United States
Today is exactly 3 weeks since my left TKR. I have been trying to ride for the last two weeks and could never get a complete rotation even with my left foot outside of the pedal cage. Well, three days ago I began a new exercise where I take a jump rope and loop it around my left foot. Then I slowly pull my left foot behind my back little by little, pausing for 3-5 seconds at each new
height. This did the trick! It added a few degrees to my flexion and when I got on the bike this morning , I go to the standard 'sticking point' and just pushed through it expecting a great deal of resistance (and pain). I got neither!! I went ahead and did six minutes. I will see how I feel tomorrow and if I don't have any soreness, I will go for 20 minutes.

On another note, I have been able to cut back to two Percocet by taking Alieve (2 tabs) twice a day. I see the doctor Thursday .
Good going! Isn't it strange when you're so positive it's going to hurt like heck ..... and then it doesn't! That's the stiffness trying to defeat you. I remember that and how triumphant I felt when I did my first full rotations. Was a real :wahey: moment!
Great work, it is a good feeling when that pedal finally goes around.

I did the same trick you did with the skipping rope, I did it with a thick elastic. Works wonders.
GREAT accomplishment !!!!! Congratulations that is so exciting when we turn those pedals. Keep up the good work. It all takes time. You seem to be doing just fine,...Good luck..Please keep us posted....
Soooooo cool, Linda!!! You're doing IT!!!!
Yes it is Linda and you will get there soon and it will surprise you....very good feeling please post when you do we will all be so happy for you..!!!!!!!!!! I have a feeling it will be real soon....:)
Way to go Stoots!!!! :wahey:

I too am looking forward to that day. I can cheat by lifting my hip, but that doesn't count like yours. The stretch out strap is helping me a lot too as well as the pool exercises.

Linda, if you and I keep working at it, it will happen....hopefully soon. :cool:
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