Well, it is a bit embarrassing to admit but I can't fully remember them, I have an awful visual memory, I always need my exercises written down but it didn't happen on Friday. As my husband was with me I thought it wouldn't be a problem but he's just as bad as me - next time I'm going to get him to video them on his phone.
Anyway I'm going to phone the physio dept tomorrow to double check that I've got the right idea but won't attempt anything until then, apart from the one I can remember.
When I first left hospital I was told to do 3 exercises, (I have these on paper so can remember them) 5 reps 3x per day and they were 1) Standing hip flexion, operated leg only, knee up to chest, keeping to 90 deg rule 2) Standing hip extension operated leg behind me 3) Standing hip abduction operated leg to the side.
I have been attempting these most days but quite gently and if I'm having a 'sore' day I'm ignoring them. In themselves that don't seem to be causing me any unpleasant side effects but I am being very careful.
The new physio I saw on Friday wants me to continue with the above but also add one in for my tight knee - this I can remember and quite like. It involves sitting on something high so that my feet are off the ground (adjustable shower chair has now got a new purpose) and just gently letting my leg swing - she hopes this will help loosen the tight muscles around my knee, and it does seem to be helping.
The other two I think would be classed as variations of the standing hip extension but a bit more robust. I definitely have reservations about one of them as it involved a resistance band and after checking the recovery guidlines here, I think that sounds like a strengthening exercise which I don't feel ready for. Once I've jogged my memory with the physio I will post the other exercises here in more detail.
Yesterday I joined the ODIC, not from exercising as such but from over enthusiastic walking up and down the garden path. I don't think it had anything to do with distance, I think it was more likely caused by length of stride and speed and most probably not helped by a slight remaining soreness from my physio session.