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Finally getting it done

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junior member
Jul 9, 2008
United States
United States United States
I finally made the decision to have my right knee replaced. I am 49 years old and have had 7 surgeries over the last 15 years. What finaaly put me over the edge is severe pain behind the knee. Have never had this kind of pain in past. OS says that it is a normal thing. Has anyone experienced pain in this area?

Pain comes anywhere and everywhere with O/A.

Is the back of your knee swollen at all? Either way, might be a Baker's cyst which is affected by the fluid in the joint. More fluid, bigger swelling and/or pain.

But good for you deciding to take the plunge. The recovery/rehab will be tough but worth it in the long run.
Welcome Exjock, you won't regret getting it done, well not after about 7 or 8 weeks out anyway!! No more joint pain!!
Can I assume then that this Bakers Cyst/Fluid will be dealt with during TKR? Would hate to have pain in back of knee 3 months down the road.
I am a hippy and can not answer your question. I just wanted to welcome you to the best forum in the world. It has helped me so much before and after surgery.
Is your surgery scheduled yet?
Judy in So Cal
Hi exjock! I had a scope in the summer of 07 which made me knee worse. My OS warned me that it might but I wanted to try conservative methods before knee replacement as I too am in my 40s. After the scope, I started having additional pain on the back side of the knee. I'm not sure what was the cause of it. I just saw it as an addtion to the collection of pains I was already having with this knee. I am now 4 weeks out since replacing the knee and I now have no pain on the backside, just the normal healing pains going on here. Good luck! Karen
Can I assume then that this Bakers Cyst/Fluid will be dealt with during TKR? Would hate to have pain in back of knee 3 months down the road.

Oh yes, indeedy! The membrane that forms the cyst is part of the membrane that lines the inside of the joint capsule, you see. So it will be part of the procedure, taken care of from within the joint, not from the back of the knee.

Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for information. The hard part is waiting now. I waited until the pain was to the point that I could not live like this anymore. Now its been a month since I told Dr. lets do it. Can't wait to start the recovery and get on with my life.
I know what you mean about the waiting. It has been a long month for me. I went to the OS back the beginning of June and we made the decision at that point. He would have done it a lot earlier than we are (7/14) but I had 2 different out of state family issues that put me unavailable until 7/14. So.... Here we are- I am 42 - not a jock, but had been pretty active until the knee became an issue. The have scoped it 4 times and for the first year after the scopes life is awesome. I have also sprained the LCL(??) and MCL at different times. Then... oh well. Nothing left to scope- cartilage is totally gone- and the bones are grinding and I am knock-kneed and deformed. It stinks. I was skiing last year and right now I am lucky I am walking. Ughhhh. Anyway - my only advice is to try to stay as busy as possible. I dreaded the family vacations but they really helped move the time along and in the end we all had a blast. I am soooooo looking forward to long walks with my dogs, snowmachining and skiing (even if it is just on the easy hills) soon. I can't wait to get this over with and begin living again!
Hang inthere - time will go by!
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