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Femur fracture

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Tommy Utah

Jul 28, 2008
United States
Reading my surgery report there is a quick mention of a non displaced fracture of some part of the femur that apparently happened when the stem was impacted into place. No mention of this was made to me by my surgeon or any of his assistants so I figured that it was no big deal. But somewhere else I heard of associated pain from some sort of femur fracture. Is it true there are no nerves in bone and if this is non displaced that there are no further worries? It just seems weird that this is not any big deal?

BTW I'm almost 4 weeks post op on RTHR (cobalt/chromium posterior) and other than some pain all goes well.
Tommy Utah,

I had a femur fracture during replacement too. The first thing I remember my doc telling me was that my bones were very soft and my femur had fractured. He wired it , so on the x-rays I can see the wire as well as the replacement.
He also told me that because of the fracture , I really needed to wait until he gave me the ok to go hiking.

Have you had a post op apt? I would ask aboutj it.

Thanks Judy, I've only had a two week when they took out staples. My 6 week is coming up with x-rays and such so I'll inquire then.
Well, bone doesn't have nerves as such but the periosteum, the membrane that covers the bone, does and is VERY nerve rich. So any break and/or movement will be painful.

[] Femur fracture

This image gives you some idea of where such mini fractures can occur. Most are undisplaced. Mostly it will be just a crack that has opened up under pressure and will heal fairly readily. If bone cement was used, it shouldn't be much of a problem either. If it has opened up then it would be secured with wires something like this (though this is an extensive fracture!)

[] Femur fracture

However, if it opens up a bit during weight bearing, it can cause a deep tooth ache kind of pain which should be reported to the OS who might want to xray and suggest a period of non or partial weight bearing to let it settle.

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