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Feldene? and timing of THR ?

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new member
Oct 4, 2006
I am 45 yrs old and had my left hip done in Denver last September, and the recovery has been really slow - first weakness in the left led to pain which then led to terrible back pain, which PT helped, but then finally my right leg pain caught up - after all the compensation during the past year, I suppose. In hindsight, I would attribute most of the problems to not enough PT post op (my doc in Denver says "just walk" ) It took him 4 months to finally send me to PT - I should have taken the advice of an elderly gent in the waiting room who was walking WAY better than I was in half the time - to go to PT on my own ...Anyway - I think the doctor is still a very qualified carpenter and he is willing to do my right hip - 50% of the cartilage is there and I am having the stabbing pain and limping problems, so quality of life is not so good and that doc thinks quality of life is important..I now live in St Paul and 2 docs here tell me to wait until I am really in pain and cant walk more than three blocks or need a cane. They really seem to fear the infection more than the other doccs I have been given a feldene scrip - but I tend to shy away from gut wrecking drugs.

So I don't know if I should take the feldene and wait and see or go thru it all again. Both options are painful, but now I know betterthat PT is SO improtant SOON and i do like my left hip, finally.

Anybody have experience with feldene? opinions

Hello Amy: I to am experiencing back pain, I am 63 and had THR in June. I did very well during my 3 month recovery period but when that was up and I started to bend, my back became very sore, I did not have back pain before the operation. I have not had any PT but will certainly look into it now.
I'm due for THR in early May and I have been on Feldene for awhile now. If you take it with food and liquid, it does help. Don't take it before bed. Stay upright for awhile to make sure the pill goes down. I take mine with dinner each night.
Hi Amy
With 50% cartilege I would suggest Glucosamine a health food product which encourages regrowth as well as inhibiting imflamation. In your position well worth a try before resorting to surgery. It needs a couple of months to kick in fully
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