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Feeling like Poop - need an MUA

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junior member
Apr 20, 2008
United States
I went in this morning for my post-op check up - surgery TKR was 4/10/08 .... my OS says I need an MUA - that my extension is great and will get better - but - my flexion is horrible and, by now, should be much better. He says he can tell my bending and feeling my knee and muscles taht there are adhesions - so i'm scheduled to go in on Friday. He says I will have an epidural and be in the hospital for about 2 days .... i'm SO bummed and extremely nervous about this. I have worked SO hard and tried SO hard doing all the exercises and CPM and everything they told me to do --- to avoid this. I'm so weepy and blue these days - and I'm trying hard to 'turn the corner' - right now I feel like I made a huge mistake!

I know i'm whining - I will stop - but right now I feel so defeated. If anyone else has had an MUA - please let me know what your experience was -- and be honest -- no need to sugar coat --- I know i'm in for more pain ....though I can't imagine being in more pain since every day is pretty darn bad!

Thanks for letting me vent.

And, Gatinger, thank you VERY much for reaching out --- I was feeling pretty blue ....I appreciate your words of wisdom and care!
oh honey....don't be nervous about the procedure, they'll have you in la-la land AND you'll be "juiced" while in the hospital and come home with the good stuff!!!....NO worries. It's a win win situation. You'll come home a ragin drug addict with a GREAT ROM!!! ;) (just like the rest of us!)

If you have a laptop, take it with you to the hospital - we'll gab!

Wishing the VERY best!!
Char, chin up! You are working hard to turn the corner and this will help. Aren't you glad to have a doctor who does what is best for you even if you don't like it and that you have us to heal with?
char, girl don't feel like you did something wrong. According to Josephine, adhesions are totally unpredictable and out of anyone's control. They just happen, nothing you or anyone else could do. The good news is that once the MUA is done, they will loose and you can progress. Its kinda like getting someone to help loosen a lid on a jar, after they loosen it you can finish removing the lid and do whatever you wanted to do with what was in it. Hang in there char, DO NOT get down on yourself. God Bless you and keep you and give you Peace.
I just got tears in my eyes 'that quick' reading these few posts.....thank you guys --- I seriously feel poopy -- but now have a bit of a smile --- I do have a laptop and I will take it with me .....i'm looking forward to being a loose jar lid with a drug habit and a doctor who does indeed give a hoot!
Haven't had the BTKR yet and so can't say anything useful about what you are going to have to go through but it sounds like you have a good doctor who isn't willing to let you suffer any longer than necessary and is doing this to give you a better chance to get on with healing. I loved Patti's response, almost makes me wish I was going in for one. But she is totally right, as always. Just know a lot of people are going to be praying for you. As for feeling the way you do sounds like you have pretty good reason and didn't anyone ever tell you that you are allowed? So don't be so hard on yourself, adhesions are something you have no control over and they could happen to anyone of us. I just hope you get to feeling better. Rowdy
Hey Char, get on here anytime and let it out. If you think you're whining you should go back and look at the posts in January and February. You would have though Patti, Gat, Skeet and I were being tortured by aliens.
You've done your work. Now let the Dr. do his. I know it's disappointing to have to go back into the hospital. To be honest, I still don't want to see any medical folks yet. They wore me out.
Like Patti said, take your laptop and give us a yell..
Char, the good news is that this procedure WILL be done when you are asleep and you will wake up with a totally new lease on the recovery process. It's sorta like a "do over" when you were a kid! The important thing is to get your life back and if this will do it, ya gotta go for it!! Others on the forum have had it and as I remember, they are glad they did. Do a search and find some of those posts so you can read them. And know that all of us here will be waiting to hear from you and praying for you to return home quickly with better ROM!!! Hooray!!!
Char, I'll be praying for a huge success on Friday. I know you are disappointed, but consider the long term goals not the short term set backs. This will go a long way in ensuring your success with the TKR. Without it you would never be happy with the results. Several folks on here have had it done and they spoke of pain for about 12 hours, then it started to improve. They all had improved ROM and seemed pleased with the results. You are doing the right thing. God bless you and give you peace and comfort, may the doctors move with incredible skill, may the hospital staff provide you with the utmost care and attention, and most of all, may the procedure rid you of the adhesions and bless you with great ROM and the knowlege that you made the best decision possible for your future.

Hi there Char---
Sorry to hear you need the MUA--- glad to hear they can give you that epidural and bend your knee and get it moving again without pain. They can also leave the epidural in longer and keep you pain free while the CPM machine keeps your knee bending. And it will get better for you after that.

Take care and we will wait to hear good news from you!
Hi Char,
I had a MUA about 4 or 5 weeks ago and it will help you I promise. Mine was done in a surgical outpatient center, and I was put under with gas. It only takes about 5-10 minutes and you should have very little pain upon waking up because of the epidural. I didn't have anything when I woke up except a shot for the pain and then I left the center and went right to physical therapy for them to do some more bending. It hurt like hell for about 12 hours then it started to subside. I think keeping you in the hospital is an excellent idea and in the CPM machine.
I am not sorry I had the MUA because when I bent before I felt I would reach a wall and not bend further. I was about 75 degrees bent now I am at 95 and continue to slowly increase with each physical therapy session. I am at 0 straight so that is not a problem.
Please don't hesitate to email me if you want to know anything else. My email address is [email protected]
I will be thinking of you and keep you in my prayers.

Good luck on Friday Char, I will be thinking of you and looking for your post after. It looks as if I may have to have it done too, I am seeing my surgeon on the 13th May. I am still only at 90-92 ROM and my knee still isn't straight.

I have had my days of depression thinking about it but now I think I just want to get it over as I want to be able to get up and down the stairs properly again and run around after my grandaughter and help out with mt daughter in law when she has her C-Section on June 19th.

Whine all you like, that's why we are here, to listen and give advice when we can.

(((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) for Friday, Sue
Good luck on Friday Char, I will be thinking of you and looking for your post after. It looks as if I may have to have it done too, I am seeing my surgeon on the 13th May. I am still only at 90-92 ROM and my knee still isn't straight.

I have had my days of depression thinking about it but now I think I just want to get it over as I want to be able to get up and down the stairs properly again and run around after my grandaughter and help out with mt daughter in law when she has her C-Section on June 19th.

Whine all you like, that's why we are here, to listen and give advice when we can.

(((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) for Friday, Sue

Amen, Sue. That truly is the whole point of this forum.

Also am thinking of you today, Char.
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