Feeling Depressed

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The top of my opposite foot ached and ached for the first few weeks, at times it was more painful than my knee, but I put it down to it doing a lot of supportive work for the new knee on the other leg and the ache has gone now.

I hope yours settles soon too.

Chris :)
Pre-op class? Dang that is cool. No one told me anything except when to show
up for New Knee. I go in for my 2 week check up Thursday and I think I need to
talk to my Doctor and see why he did not have my Pain Meds sent in to my Pharmacy
on Friday. Why some Doctor I did not know gave me 50 MG of Ultram?????????
And the Nurse that I talked to when I called back up told me no one is sent home
with only Ultram for a TKR! So if he is going to do the other knee I think we need to clear the AIR a little because right now I just do not trust him.

Sounds like a good plan, Calling!!! A discussion is definitely called for here. Be sure and have hubby in the room so that he can hear all that the doctor has to say. You might even want to ask what he thinks your activity level should be at this early stage. I'm betting it would not include cooking and claening. Just sayin'....
No it most certainly would not! In my young day you would have still been in hospital - just sayin'!!

btilelli, it's a trap of sorts that everyone falls into, thinking that just because they've had surgery or treatment for something, everything they get thereafter must be connected somehow! I reckon you have a bit of inflammation in the sole of your foot, either the fat pads or the tendons/ligaments. If it doesn't settle in a couple of days, speak to your doctor.
SIMON, All I can say is bring on the anesthetic. I dont think I could handle pain that much. I cant even handle it when my wife bends it too much. So funny cause you should see me,I dont look soft but I hate pain.
Don't we all, chnuf!
[Bonesmart.org] Feeling Depressed

I have had the manipulation and am now 4 days post op and feeling good. i can get 110 on the machine but am trying for more. I am waiting for a room at rehab then I am waiting to go in the pool...
Hey, my home PT said to NEVER go over 100 on the machine. My husband tried me at 110, and I went through the ceiling. I go to drive up-get out-go in therapy today. I'm curious what lies in store for me. Pain is very manageable, but my non-operated-on foot is still swollen. Got out to Church yesterday. Wow, I was treated like "Queen of the May." It was nice to have been missed.
So happy to hear this good report, Counselor.....you've earned all that special treatment!!!
chnuf sounds like the manipulation helped. The pool should feel great too.

Counselor sounds like you are doing great too, so glad to hear that

Hi Chnuf here, I am in Rehab at Griffith in Adelaide, nice frendly place, I have been doing all exercises that they want and on my own without machine I am 95%. I am happy with that and so is pt. The problem I have now is that I was getting pinching pain so they exrayed me and found I had broken a small part of bone around knee. sux
Hi Chnuf,

Sorry to hear that, yeah I'd be feeling pretty miffed too.

Hope it all sorts itself out soon, and you are feeling better.

Chris :)
Hey Chnuf man don't get down on yourself. I'm a tuff guy and I must say the TKR on both knees in july 08 was the hardest thing physicaly and emotionaly that I have ever done. It kicked my butt. Being stuck not getting around was bad. I had friends come by and take me out. My wife was like Nurse Rachett. There were days I just wanted to stay in bed and then she would get my butt up and moving. Didn't like it much then but I love her for it today. I lost 25 pounds in 45 day because I didn't feel like eating or doing anything. The whole thing was very depressing for me. I am so glad I had surrounded myself with people like her. I am so much better now. Still stiff but no pain. I'm getting ready to ride my stationary bike for about 20 mins. I listen to my ipod while riding. It makes me feel good and loose. I have come to rely on that bike now. I enjoy watching my knees bend. You"ll get there. DON'T QUIT! Now is not the time.
Wow, a small piece of your bone broken? Was the rehab to aggressive, do you think? It makes me nervouse when I'm at PT, and the pain is incredible, and the therapist just keeps on pushing or pulling. I got a long bruise on the back of my knee from it being kneeded by the therapist. My doc doesn't want to see me for 1 year! Either he's that confident in my rehab or that confident in his own work. He would like to see my leg straighter, though. Man, when my 6'3" therapist stands up to get good leverage in order to flatten my knee out, it takes all I have not to scream out!
Gary M i have a wife like yours and she is a nurse and tough too. i hate her at times too but she is so good she doesnt take all my bitching seriously. And I love her to death really. Sometimes I just want to relax but she gets on my case to get up and move. reminding me that I dont want to go through this again. How long did it take you to stop the pain cause mine still gives me heaps.

I have lost 14 kilo in 2 months now, some for not wanting to eat another is just eating what the hospital puts in front of me.

I am glad I lost the weight as it is less pressure on my knee now. By the way I don't know how you did both knees 1 was bad enough.

The PT is the hardest as I had a hard time getting it straight and in the end they put my ankle on a large plastic pipe and put a 1kg weight across my knee, it is nearly straight now. I have 95 degree bend and dont expect to get much more.
The main thing is I am home from rehab now and hoping it doesnt go backwards again.

Thanks for everyones help through this It has been great knowing I am not the only one suffering like this.
Its TUESDAY! You're supposed to feel BETTER today!
Seriously, Keep up the good work! No one ever said it was easy! )
Whoops! I meant Counselor!
Yikes! Court adjourned on that one! :)
Keep doing your exercises and listening to your wife. You want to go forward it is still a lot of hard work, but the payoff is great.
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