Hi Josephine. Thanks so much for the input. I am trying to learn to take it easy, but it seems like all I hear in PT is push push push and do my exercises 2-3x a day. I also am trying to go back to work part-time (was there for the first time today for four hours in the afternoon after PT -and after icing - and got very swollen. Am icing again now.) I'm not sure if I can hack it part-time at a desk yet or not, but I feel like I am falling out of touch with things and am worried about it. (Can you tell I am type A?)
I was taking Vicodin but it was bothering my stomach so the OS switched me to Darvocet. I just picked up my last prescription. He said he's cutting me off, as they don't prescribe after 6 weeks. I only take them before PT and then I take two, which helps. I am not sleeping great, but am sleeping okay. I am taking Tylenol before bed (two extra strength.)
Pain score on average is not bad, 3-4, when I am sitting with it down and bent. It's not comfortable but it's not terrible, and that's not all the time. If I am sitting with it elevated, I have almost no pain. During therapy I'd say I get to a 7 when they are pushing on me (literally). I ice two to three times a day. I have a Polar Care Kodiak that a friend lent me that is awesome.
I know I'm not doing as bad as I think I am, but I am afraid of it being stiff or not getting flexibility back. And I have a hard time knowing when to push and how hard (since all I hear in therapy is push through the pain) because like you said, then it swells and hurts and I am basically done. I guess because my therapist is new, I need to not take her word as gospel. She keeps telling me to push and anytime I am sitting I need to focus on increasing the bend, but the longer I do that the more swollen it gets after a while...Vicious cycle is so true!