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feel better after being told I need a pkr?

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Oct 5, 2008
New York
United States United States
I am 38 and have recently been told that I need a pkr. I have been dealing w/ my "bad" knee off and on for 16 years. I knew this news was coming, my ortho and I have talked about it for a long time, but I have to say, I was a little shocked when he finally said "it's time". It is going to take FOREVER for the approvals (long story...two insurance companies.....), but here's my question.......

Has anyone actually felt a decrease in their knee pain after getting the news that "it's time" for surgery? It sounds silly, but for almost a week I was almost pain free. I haven't been almost pain free in years. I was almost to the point of calling the doctor and asking him to hold off, for just a little longer. Luckily I didn't, because the pain is back, but it really messed w/ my mind there for about a week!!! I don't need any help in that department!!!

I am still struggling w/ the fact that I need this done at my age. I am really active and I am NOT looking forward to the recovery phase--who does, right? Of course, I am looking forward to the benefits afterwards.

Anyway, thanks for listening!
Hi Chick,
Like you I was very anxious at the thought of early surgery. I was only 49 when I had mine done. I needed it due to an accident that I had at work causing severe damage to my knee...upto then I had been very active, no problems, then ooooyyyyyyy almost 2 years of was a shock to me that the damage was so bad that it needed such drastic surgery, in fact my OS tried a scope last year but that only made it worse....
so when he said it was time for the big one....I was sooo relieved..
Thinking about it the pain did seem to decrease a bit after that, or maybe it was the increase in the dose of morphine patches? anyhow, it was great to know that something was finally going to be done.
I am 9 weeks post TKR now, and take it day by day.....I still have bad days, but they are far and few between now, and not half as bad as they used to be....
all in all I feel like I am slowly getting back in control of my life,
I am soooo glad you found this forum, the guys on here are her 24/7 and they offer all the help, advice, support you will ever need as we have all walked in the same shoes on this journey, and who is most experienced to help?
If you need a shoulder to cry on, share a milestone, have a laugh or need medical/surgical advice there is always someone here.
Our Jo the moderator is absolutely wicked and anything she dont know about this game SIMPLY IS NOT WORTH KNOWING....she is a true angel for all of us.
Welcome to the world of TKR and beyond, its a path we all are going through, but on here....with MANY FRIENDS......

Thanks! Honestly, now that I think that I have gotten that out (I haven't even told my husband that I was thinking of calling the doctor! He knew I was feeling better and now I am not, of course.) I think it was just denial....just not wanting to believe that I was "there" already. I LOVE my ortho and really trust his judgement. We have had many conversations about surgery "someday" and I know that surgery is not his first option--we have tried many, many other things first.

Anyway, thanks.

Now it's the waiting game....that is going to be the bad part! There is a tiny piece of this tied to workers comp. I had a pre-existing injury and then re-injured at work. I swear, if there weren't any witnesses, I would not have reported it! I knew it would only become a nightmare and it has, many, many times. It will probably involve several trips to the lawyer and a hearing--fun, fun stuff! So, on top of everything else, I will have that to deal with!

I know, I know, one step at a time..........
Yup, I had relief the couple weeks before. And I had both and totals done. Makes you think "never mind". But the pain will come back. Shows you though how much mental energy all that pain is. Just the knowledge of remedy makes you feel better. I've had the same experience with a tooth and dentist. Certainly the pre-surgery reprieve is nice though, isn't it?
I know what you are meaning about a work accident.
I fell and had witnesses, but I didnt report it at the time as I thought it would ease. Then 3 months and more pain and a persistant limp later I reported it, and have a claim going against my employers,,,,,,but,,,,,, they are fighting dirty so I can see my case going to court as well...its all fun fun fun, and adds to the experience I suppose..
Never mind, keep going wi head down as we says over here in lancs UK

Love and hugs Pat xx
Yep, that news will shock you so much, your system will fool you into thinking you're making a lot of fuss about nothing and you can't possibly need such drastic action! It's those dratted hormones like adrenaline and cortico-steroids that override your pain sensory system. I think I speak for just about everyone when I say we've all been there!
Thanks! So nice to know it wasn't just me!
My girlfriend who just had surgey on her spine for spinal stenosis had the same occurence. She considered canceling (chickening out) but thought better. Now her relief is real and longer term.
Yep, that happened to me too! Once the surgery was scheduled and the freight train was rolling down the tracks (I felt like I was on a speeding freight train out of control...), it seemed like my knee issues all of a sudden became non-existent. I was able to move quite nicely, getting up and down out of the chair, etc. Then came the week before surgery when I had to stop my ibuprofen. Oy. Yeah...the pain came back with a vengeance.

I'm now nearly 8 weeks out from a right total knee replacement and things are going well! I did find a down side to the surgery, though, and I must warn you. The better I feel, the more energy I get, the less pain that I have, the filthier my house starts to appear. LOL Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go continue CLEANING!
Kimgrif--Your post made me laugh!!! I have already had nightmares about my husband grocery shopping.....not that he can't do it, he just despises the store I go to (it is THE best store, in my book...the best produce, best prices, best get the idea)....he is a great cook, but doesn't like to after working all day. Although, I guess I LOVE cooking after working and going to the gym and running errands...ANYWAY.......I have visions of eating a lot of take out and 'bachelor-type food'. Luckily my family lives close and will take pity on us.

Same kind of thing w/ the cleaning....he can clean and certainly does, but, well, not like I would.......WOW, I guess I am a control freak!!!!

Guess it's a good thing I have some time before surgery to get used to the idea of being taken care of...not something I am good at! I was raised to be strong and independent. I have a VERY hard time being dependent. I have gotten through other 'recoveries' fairly easily, but I haven't been super-dependent on anyone. Ooooh, recovery phase could be tough!!!
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