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Fat Pad?

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junior member
Sep 14, 2008
United States
Hi all, I'm 9 months post BTKR and have recently developed a new problem. It's a sharp pain that feels like it's right on top of one of my new knees, in the center of the knee. The doc says it's referred pain from the fat pad behind the "knee cap" (I have a plastic one on top of a real one). Seems I've somehow aggravated it. They told me to take naproxen, ice when possible, avoid stairs when possible and the elliptical machine. But it seems to be getting worse. At first it mainly hurt when I tried to lift the leg when it was bent, but lately it hurts when walking as well.

Has anyone had a similar problem? Do you have any advice for resolving it?

Btw, I'm 41 and my surgeon also said (a little late, IMHO) that younger people take longer to recover b/c they swell more and tend to lead more active lifestyles. I am extremely active and in fact, I have returned to taking spinning classes 2x/week. The doc said that was okay as long as I don't stand on the bike -- does anyone else out there take spinning classes with new knees? Any thoughts about it? I also practice ashtanga yoga (with some major modifications these days). So if anyone has advice on that, I'd appreciate it.

How do you do spinning if you can't stand on the bike? Isn't spinning standing on the pedals and not sitting?
I guess it means you should only pedal in a seated position...
Sorry you are having issues with the fat pad. I do believe this was discussed and illustrated in another thread. Jo had a diagram and everything.....
Wow I think you are doing a little much. Did your doc tell you to use the cane to relieve some of the stress off the knee?

Can't believe he let you do the spinning classes already, that is rough on the knees.

You probably need to back off and pace yourself.

Your knee is still not healed and you are doing a lot with it.

I do know someone that does the spin but she did not start
until later, because her doc told her to wait.

She does not go all out either.

Good luck and hope your knee gets better soon.
How do you do spinning if you can't stand on the bike? Isn't spinning standing on the pedals and not sitting?
I guess it means you should only pedal in a seated position...
Sorry you are having issues with the fat pad. I do believe this was discussed and illustrated in another thread. Jo had a diagram and everything.....

Do you happen to remember where that diagram is? I am , of course, very interested in any and all knowledge of knees, being halfway between having them both done. Would that be Kneeledge?

Anyhow, I did a search for "fat pad" and the seach engine won't accept that, the words are too short.

I tried changing "Fat Pad" to "Obese Apartment" and then "Chunky Flat" but no joy on those, either.
Or grande notebook? It sure sounds like happy hour in the West Indies, Gringo!!! :)
It's called Hoffa's syndrome, Missy. And it sits just below the knee cap.

[] Fat Pad?

You know when you bite the inside of your cheek and it swells so you bite it some more?! Well, that's pretty much how this happens. It gets nipped between the femoral and tibial prostheses, then swells so it gets nipped some more.

It can settle down on its own but an injection of cortisone can help. In severe cases, they have been known to trim the pad via arthroscopy.
Oh thanks -- I hadn't found it when I searched either. But this is really helpful.

Seems like I ought to take it easy and calm it down for sure.

Thanks very much everyone!
Remember,,,,,ice is your new best friend! And elevate!!! :)
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