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falling asleep tingle feeling

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Mar 5, 2008
United States United States
So my pain, swelling and bruising has gone way down. i get up and walk and do little stuff around the house. then the knee hurts a little so I get in the recliner and put up feet for a while. The tightness that used to feel like band wrapped around my knees now feels like that feeling you get when your foot falls asleep, but around the knees. Not the part that hurts while it wakes up, just the tingle. I'm thinking it it is probably nerves waking up that were messed with during surgery and with all the pressure from swelling. Anyone else have that feeling along the way?
I went through a time when mine felt like it vibrating, may be the same thing. Like you say it doesn't hurt, just feels kinda funny, not funny HaHa, but funny weird. KnoImean?
Yep, I call it the kneeby heeby jeeby feeling. Creeps me out but nothing seems to help relieve it. I do notice it goes away when I take pain meds, but you wouldn't want to take pain meds just for that. Never get it when I'm walking, or moving around.
I was talking with a former co-worker and we both described the feeling as like having worms under the skin..Only happens when I'm sitting or laying down.
Gross me out! That's what it feels like though. Good description.
Me too. only when sitting/reclining/lying. My knees feel pretty good actually when I am up and on them. must be because those crunchy bones are gone! :) Pain killers don't stop it for me, but it doesn't bother me too much, it's just like Gat said, weird. Checking for normal (loaded statement!).
Like my feeling better guys. sleepy tingle. Worms BAD!
Two former cops. I guess we didn't want to say "tingle" in public
I about de-wormed the knee today when I feel out of a tall chair on a concrete walk way. Got a good scare and a good scrape. Maybe the worms will leave.
Worms under skin sounds like something for side effects on the percocet thread. Don't worry, I wouldn't want my cops feeling tingles either.
Sorry about your scrape, but I gotta ask, what were you doing in a "tall chair on a concrete walkway". chairs=sitting; walkway=walkin??????????????????
I was at a shooting range monitoring my son.. It was a tall "bar stool" type chair on a rough finished concrete pad. I went to push back and I went, and the chair stayed. TIMBER!! Nothing bad. Scrape, and bruised ego. No witnesses thank goodness.
Doug: "Hi Fred....enjoying your retirement? How's that knee doing?"

Fred: "Wassup Doug!...yep, I love the honey do lists every morning - I'm bout ready to go back to work...the old knee's doing pretty good - still a little sore"

Doug: "I'm feeling all ting-ly....especially when I'm laying down"

Fred: "I tingle when I lay down too!"

(realizing they sound like GIRLS)

Doug: " gotta go skin a deer or chainsaw or chew dabacca or something"

Fred: "yep...I gotta run, too.....gotta go pave the driveway and haul manure"
Well I did go grocery shopping and I am about to start supper. And yes, we have to monitor our manly points. As the saying goes," The older I get, the better I was".
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