junior member
Hi everyone..! Went to the OS this week to get the results for my MRI for my left knee (had my RTKR in January) and there is a large tear, arthritis and a few other things wrong with it. My RK is full of scar tissue and I have next to no ROM and are in constant pain. The OS wants me to wait until fall to decide what I want done with my knees. On top of all that...I have osteoporosis..vitamin D defeciency ( sorry about the spelling) have to take calcium pills, may be hypoglycemic and have stomach problems...! I am falling apart piece by piece ..LOL!! The OS put me on Vicodan ES for pain instead of 10/325 percocet. Haven't been back to PT because I don't have the transportation and Social Security denied me and I am appealing. I am going to keep on pushing through and not give up!!