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Hip Arthroscopy FAI Surgery Round Two—All Done!

Wowzer friends, what a long and complicated past three days. I had surgery yesterday to have my appendix removed—trust me, I’m still in shock also, but let’s back track so that I can give you the entire story.

I started not feeling well Monday afternoon after work. No fever, but I had intense sinus pressure, congested nose, scratchy throat, etc—all the usual seasonal cold symptoms. I also had blood when wiping, even though my period ended almost two weeks ago now. Very weird. I took off the rest of the week and had an appointment scheduled with my surgeon on Thursday that I felt okay enough to go to.

So my doctor’s appointment went great and was pretty typical for the most part. We talked before he examined my hip and asked me to see a gen surg colleague just to make sure I didn’t have an inguinal hernia since my groin pain was persistent. He said he really didn’t think I had one, maybe a 10% chance, but he just wanted us to cover all of our bases.

We continued the appointment by going to ultrasound as he thought he could drain my hip. Well, the aspiration didn’t work. There was no fluid, like he and the tech thought at our last appointment. So instead he injected just a tad bit more cortisone for comfort (this one I actually felt the dreaded cortisone flare and knew he got “the spot) and he talked to me again after the injection.

He asked me if I wanted to try light PT again, (I said “why not?” since I haven’t been since September) and wanted to see me in 5 weeks after I saw the general surgeon. My doctor said if at that point I was still experiencing discomfort, we could do another pelvic MRI.

So, I’ll let you all in on a little secret. I have EXTREME medical anxiety. I’m mostly fine with doctors I like (like my hip surgeon), but DESPISE seeing new doctors and have HORRIFIC anticipation anxiety. So while my appointment with my surgeon went great and I adore how he handled everything, my anxiety spiked so much when I found out I needed a gen surg consult. Which is why though appointments were available next week for both my doctor’s colleague and another physician, I chickened out with actually scheduling.

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Fast forward to Thursday afternoon I was having horrible cortisone flares all day. Because of my anxiety, I called my doctor and asked him if we could get the pelvic MRI done before the new year. He agreed as long as we waited for the cortisone to settle and not affect what may or may not show up on imaging. I rested again and iced the rest of the afternoon Thursday and again Friday, but while the flares were bad, they weren’t anything I haven’t experienced before with cortisone.

I went to sleep regular time Friday night. Most of my discomfort was in my groin like it always has been and I chocked it up to the shot. However, I woke up a little past 11PM with this weird burning pain on the right side of my belly button. It wasn’t severe, per say, but I decided to go to the ER so that I wasn’t driving myself crazy all night with “what if’s.”

There was a 2 1/2 hour wait before I was taken back to be seen! When I finally did talk to the ER doctor he recommended a CT scan and that was another long process of prepping and waiting—hopefully my first and last time drinking that nasty contrast! The radiologist noticed adhesions on the appendix, I was admitted, and was told I would be seeing a gen surg doc in the morning as I had early appendicitis. He recommended surgery and here we are now LOL.

Everything went well with the surgery and my discharge should be early-ish today. I follow up again with my hip surgeon on the January 4th, so I’ll be curious to see what progress (if any) I have made with pain.

Thanks for reading!

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oh my Stars.... another little battle scar
I'm glad you are ok, and hope you can get home today.
oh my Stars.... another little battle scar
I'm glad you are ok, and hope you can get home today.

Thank you! I was finally discharged from the hospital after lunch yesterday and have been home since about 4PM yesterday afternoon.

Overall, I’m feeling okay. I started watching “Friends” just to get myself to laugh and relax LOL.

I’ll keep checking up on my hip peeps and maybe post a longer update once I feel more settled emotionally.

@Sammy-Am I am also glad you caught this early and followed your instinct to go to the ER. My appendix story was a very long time ago but it was not caught early because it was mimicking other things as well. Healing blessings and may you be feeling better very soon.
Dang! Good thing you went to the ER and they figured out what was up.

Hopefully that was the main cause if you're pain and you feel great after recovering!
Dang! Good thing you went to the ER and they figured out what was up.

Hopefully that was the main cause if you're pain and you feel great after recovering!

Hi @Hotchocolate!

Thank you!

To everyone saying I caught this early enough, it reminded me of Friday early morning. I was still really anxious about the possibility of a hernia that I went to my favorite crystal shop to decompress. I was looking at some rings, still in pain from what I thought was the cortisone, and felt the strangest pain. I guess you can say it was a stomach pain that shot down my leg and made me almost dizzy for a moment. It didn’t happen any other time that day, but I immediately left the crystal shop freaked out. Funny how nudges work.

Anyhow, I’m not in too much pain right now. I’m only taking Tylenol if I need it and it’s mostly discomfort around my stomach. Hopefully with me moving around and eating well that will subside.

I will say that the front and side of my right hip have been the only source of “true pain.” I’m thinking a soft tissue or hip flexor strain, but that’s for the hip surgeon and I discuss soon. My poor muscles have been all out of whack this year.

Anyhow, thank you all again for the support!:loveshwr:
Hi All,

Just wanted to pop on with a quick update.

I’m a little over a week out from my emergency appendectomy. I had my post-op appointment with the general surgeon today and he said recovery wise, everything looks great. I still have a lot of bruising around the surgical site and a decent amount of pain bending over, but the doctor expects everything to resolve with time. I still have another 6 weeks of restrictions (no heavy lifting, time limits on extended sitting and standing, and no sitting on the floor), but I should be good to go in no time at all. I also had the doctor evaluate me for an inguinal hernia per my hip surgeon’s request, and the general surgeon confirmed that there’s no hernia present, so good news there.

Oddly enough, the surgeon was explaining to me the results from the pathology report on my appendix, and I didn’t have true appendicitis. My appendix was irritated and had abrasions on it from being positioned behind my colon. Just the way everything positioned itself at birth, but still a relief of pain nevertheless.

I’m back at work, working only my second job at the clothing store right now. The school is forcing me to take an unpaid leave because of the restrictions on my doctor’s note. Shocking, I know.

I start a new job on the 4th and am hoping to see the hip doctor again once my insurance kicks in in January. By that time I should be able to get the pelvic MRI and be ready to start PT again for my hip.

Anyways, I’m off to watch Netflix and probably get to bed early tonight.

Sending love :roseshwr:
I’m back at work, working only my second job at the clothing store right now. The school is forcing me to take an unpaid leave because of the restrictions on my doctor’s note. Shocking, I know.
I'm sorry but that is just wrong. Like you need that added stress right now!

glad to read your updates and see that you are recovering well. Hang in there!
Oh my gosh Sammy, I missed the entire appendix issue! Busy with Christmas events here and arrival of my Texas clan next week. I'm so happy it's behind you now. Should you really be back at work already???
Take care of yourself.
Unpaid leaves should be illegal. I hope the new job you start of the 4th guess well!
Hi All,

Yes, @CricketHip. I completely agree. I’m trying to remain positive in reminding myself that I clearly deserve more, but it is said to feel like I’m almost being blamed for having an emergency surgery. I’m on to even bigger and better pastures and for now, I’ll work my retail job and enjoy the much needed rest from working two jobs while simultaneously recovering from surgery.

@myglasshalffull The doctor ideally wanted me to wait a week before going back, but was okay with me being on modified duties. I went back on the Tuesday after my surgery as I didn’t have any paid time off to take. So far, my retail job has been very accommodating with letting me take sitting breaks, not having me lift anything, and helping me with anything to low to the ground. Not the perfect circumstances, but I have bills to pay.

And @Hotchocolate, thank you! I took your post at 11:11 to mean happier and more abundant days ahead. Overall, I can’t complain. Everything will work itself out in time.

Well, you have a good attitude and are to be commended for it. I hope that new job works out for you.
Happy healing!
:wave: @Sammy-Am

What a year you've had:flabber:
I am sending all the best mojo your way for healing...
Bad appendix - gone
Hip On the Mend
New Job... hope it is something you really end up enjoying
Sometimes circumstances can force change... but often it can all go to the Good.
Hope your Christmas is peaceful and happy
Hi All,

@Mojo333, thanks! I love that mindset. I told one of my girlfriends today that I have no expectations whatsoever for the New Year—just gonna live and let live! LOL.

Overall, I’m still doing great in terms of
my recovery from this little “hiccup.” Now, I just have to get the rest of my body to cooperate. I’ve been getting horrible migraines for the past couple of weeks (not normal for me) and my back has been aggravated and I’m sure my recent abdominal surgery and hip are the cause. Frustrating that I have to wait until the insurance from the new job kicks in, but January will be here soon enough—thank God!

Anyhow, I’m sure I posted about adductor tendinitis on my last thread (maybe?) and am looking for guidance regarding that. I’m happy to report that from what I can tell, I think my most recent cortisone injection hit the right spot. I do have reduced pain in my hip. I just have this horrible burning sensation in my adductors. Does anyone have any advice as to how to rehab this? I’m hoping to start PT in January (once I’m medically cleared again) and get the pelvic MRI ASAP once I have a new date with the hip doctor.

Joyous Holidays to all before I forget! :roseshwr:
I do hope things ease off so you can relax and I'm glad you got some relief with the shot.

Adductor tendinopathy can often develop from strength imbalances in which the adductor muscles overwork to compensate for weaker muscle groups....which can be common for us hippies...:sigh:

Sometimes the adductor muscles tend to overwork in the presence of poor pelvic stability. As a result your physiotherapist may prescribe pelvic stability exercises to reduce the stresses placed of the adductor muscles.
I don't think there is a lot you could/should do right now on your own because of your recent tummy surgery...
Making sure you try to avoid aggravating activity and hope icing helps some.

I hope at the beginning of the year you can check with a physical therapy, with a focus on identifying any weaknesses that might contribute to the issue followed by slow and steady strengthening exercises.
Your amazing positivity with all the struggles is an inspiration...
I do hope things ease off so you can relax and I'm glad you got some relief with the shot.

Adductor tendinopathy can often develop from strength imbalances in which the adductor muscles overwork to compensate for weaker muscle groups....which can be common for us hippies...:sigh:

Sometimes the adductor muscles tend to overwork in the presence of poor pelvic stability. As a result your physiotherapist may prescribe pelvic stability exercises to reduce the stresses placed of the adductor muscles.
I don't think there is a lot you could/should do right now on your own because of your recent tummy surgery...
Making sure you try to avoid aggravating activity and hope icing helps some.

I hope at the beginning of the year you can check with a physical therapy, with a focus on identifying any weaknesses that might contribute to the issue followed by slow and steady strengthening exercises.
Your amazing positivity with all the struggles is an inspiration...

Thanks again for your lovely words. Gotta laugh so you don’t cry, right? I’m going to try icing in the interim to see if that helps.
Hi All,

Happy Belated Christmas! 2024 is soon upon us and I’m sure a lot of us hippies (myself included!) are looking forward to less pain, healing hips, and great health overall.

The past few days have been wonderful, but a struggle hip wise. I’ve been having quite a bit of pain along my inner hip crease and in my adductors. Even at rest the pain can be a challenge. I’m using Tylenol and ice to help with inflammation, but I’m surprised at how much my muscles have been screaming, especially with how little I’ve been doing!

The pain is along the psoas, but mostly much lower in the groin. Walking and sitting can be the most difficult. No pain with coughing or anything like that (maybe a tad bit of tenderness), but I’m sure my recent abdominal surgery hasn’t helped much with that, as that’s been a factor since my surgery.

Does this get better with PT? I’m hoping this is just one huge muscle issue/imbalance.

@Sammy-Am I think you just need to relax and let your body recover from all that it has been through. You had major surgery - and then an emergency procedure. Both events will have an impact. I am sure the appendectomy has a major impact on everything.

Please don't worry about PT or any conditioning now. Your body needs TLC. Be good to yourself and give yourself time to heal!

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