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Extreme Soreness

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Mar 12, 2008
United States
I am having a hard time sleeping because of soreness around the knee.
How long does this last? and does anyone have an idea of how to toughen it
up? I am 43 days post operative. I am taking 10mg's of ambin nightly, but it only last about 3 or 4 hours.
Fharmann: My experience was that after PT, Ice, took TIME to heal all the pains I was having. I did have a problem with waking up from sleep in discomfort but it did go away after a while. My pain was in the thigh and calf area. I think as time progresses for you, things will improve at a quick pace. Just remember to be dilligent in your recovery efforts and I would suggest going back on this forum and reading all the posts. Many discuss pain/discomfort issues.
Godspeed in your recovery!
PS: Dont be afraid to bring any pain/discomfort issues to the table with your Doctor! I was having difficulty managing my pain with my OS. So after much support from this forum and much research, I switched to a pain management Doctor. I got much better results and feel like Im in better hands. I am not knocking my OS...hes a great OS, just not much on pain management.
Welcome to the site Fharmann. Sorry to hear your not sleeping well. Have the same problem. My doc won't let me take prescription kind, I am also on Percocets for pain, so I am taking Sleep MD, a herbal kind. Non habit forming. It also only gives me 2-3 hours sleep, but I find it keeps me relaxed so I don't come so wide awake so don't have to get up in the night to pace the floor or get on the site. I am looking forward to a good nights sleep down the line, apparently it ill come one day. Regards, Sue
Hey, welcome! I had similar issues. The pain meds at bedtime helped some. Ice helped some. Now I'm taking Trazodone (generic for Desyrel) to help me sleep. Non-habit forming, etc. I'm at 12 weeks, so it will get better, but it does take time.

Hang in there, buddy. We're all with you on this journey.
PS: Dont be afraid to bring any pain/discomfort issues to the table with your Doctor! I was having difficulty managing my pain with my OS. So after much support from this forum and much research, I switched to a pain management Doctor. I got much better results and feel like Im in better hands. I am not knocking my OS...hes a great OS, just not much on pain management.

If I am not prying: how did your pain management doctor handle your pain vs
your OS? There are only a handful of pain meds out there.
If you are taking regular Ambien then that is all you are going to get out of it. Ask for Ambien CR(controlled release). It used to give me at least six hours of sleep. The problem I found with it is the rebound effect. After about three nights of sleep. It just didn't work for a couple of nights.
I'm at 8wks. tomorrow and take 1 1/2 Oxycodone pills prior to bed. I've managed to sleep reasonably well for the last week or so. Good luck with it.
I also take the Ambien CR with a 10 mg Perc about 1/2 -1 hour before I think I am planning on going to bed. I also feel the Ambien works better if i ake it for a couple of days and then skip it. I also ice and elevate before bed and really think it helps, I actually have been trying to sleep on my non TKR side with a soft pillow between my legs, I actually got comfy this way for a while then I woke up thinking I was going to damage my NuNee in this position and go back to lying on my back. I am only at day 13 so I guess I am doing fairly well.

I feel worse for my Fiance since she can not get a good nite sleep since I am in and out of bed atleast once in the middle of the night. Last nite I slept on my chair so she could TRY and get some sleep for work today. I can not wait a few more months so that I can pay her back in ways I can only think of while sitting here. Making a nice dinner, some good wine, a fancy dinner in the city, lots of attention, and of course LOVING!

Sorry I got off the subject, first day wihout her and I guess I was missing her.

Dude, I think Cupid has nailed you with a whole quiver of arrows. But I am happy for you.
I've been trying to slip out of bed without disturbing my wife. Of course tripping over a dog, stubbing my toe or stepping on a squeaky toy don't help. Then there's the kitchen raid when I open the refrigerator door and a Tupperware bowl fell out.
In my house, we sleep like a bunch of nomads. I never know where any of us will end up. The other night I thought I was rubbing my wife's back and it turned out to be a boxer under the blanket. My wife was on the couch.
I'm SO glad that you guys let us know your sleeping habits. I call my husband the "Roamer"....he starts on the couch...comes to bed...gets back on the couch...back in the bed. WASSUP with that???? Drives me nuttttts!
ALLLLL you men are JUST alike!!! Friendly, Friendly, Friendly...that's ALLLL you think about!
Thanks for your encouragement. Saw the Doctor today and told me it heals from the inside out and time will take care of it. Thanks again.
If I am not prying: how did your pain management doctor handle your pain vs
your OS? There are only a handful of pain meds out there.

Well, my OS told me he was an OS and was not specifically into managing pain and referred me to a Sport Medicine/Pain Management Doctor in his office. I decided to go to a well know Pain Management Doctor in the next County and the insurance covered it. He put me on a non narcotic long term medicine called Neurontin, scheduled an MRI of my lower back and spine to see what my abnormal gait caused over the years, and give me a prescription for Percoset without hesitation. I filled it one week ago and I have not opened the bottle. Just knowing that the doctor was sensitive to my pain made the biggest difference. Knowing I have the meds in the cabinet is my insurance net if I need them.
What I like about this Doctor is you sign a contract with him over the issuance of the Percoset. You are only allowed to take what he prescribes, you cannot go to another Doctor for pain meds while you are seeing him or he has the right to terminate you.
Right now, he is going to try an epidural injection into my lower spine in an attempt to reduce the lower back pain.
I am very comfortable with him and he is a good listener and "soft spoken."
Please dont think I dont like my OS....I would certainly go back to him if I need any type of Ortho Operation. The pain Doctor specifically manages pain. If it were not for this forum, I never would have switched Doctors :)
Patti, talking of "friendly" how is the migraine?

I have the same problem trying not to wake Kevin up during the night. He has a reprieve coming up though, he's off to Europe on Sunday until Friday evening, though he swears he doesn't like all the strange beds!!

I hope I can sleep tonight, I am so tired, I have been crying all day off and on, especially if anyone asks how I am doing. I get like that with sleep deprivation, I have always been a good sleeper, that's why my three kids never woke me up once for a night feed when they were babies, I had a word with them when they were born.
My hubby is the lightest sleeper. I sleep like a rock. When I move around or anything he wakes up. He wanders around, gets a drink, uses the facility, sits in the rocker recliner, comes back to bed. I feel badly when I take my little sleep pill and drift off and he's up and down and tossing and turning all night. Plus I'm always pulling the comforter up, then throwing it off, pulling it up, throwing it off (hot then cold). He says I hog the covers... never ends!!
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