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junior member
Nov 6, 2007
IL, United States
Hi All!
Anyone know an exercise program that can be done to help lose weight? After being so sedentary because of knee pain, I have gained too much weight and really need to lose! (clothes don't fit and can't afford new) I was looking into yoga, but everything I see, seems to put weight on your knees. Just can't do that yet. Or ever. Not sure. But I really need to do something and was wondering if anyone has found anything that we can actually do! I work alot of hours and can't seem to get to a gym at the moment, so I need to be able to do this at home.
Walk, walk, walk, walk and walk! :) Not only good for loosing weight, but the best therapy for a new knee or two.
I *love* walking. All you need are GOOD walking shoes. I used to walk on a treadmill at a gym in bad weather or at an inside walking track at our community center. Treadmills are reasonably priced and available used if you go that route. There are some great walking "programs" you can follow that tell you how to build up to maximum calorie burning. I am sure you can find some to download on line for free.

I *like* to bicycle. I live in a fairly flat area with good bike paths and quiet streets so it is a good option for me when the weather is good. A stationary bike is also good and you can get them used for a good price.

My PT says the very best exercise for me is "aqua-therapy". I HATE going to the pool, but once I am there and in the water I enjoy the exercises. I "jog" with "noodles" and do a variety of other exercises in a program he developed for me. There are arthritis exercise classes at many pools. With my OA in my spine and both knees it is really the best option but I have a harder time getting myself motivated to check the schedule and get there at a time that works for me. I bought a "pool pass" to try to motivate myself to go. (it is cheaper and easier than paying by the session plus I already paid for it so I should use it! )

This summer (8 months post PKR) I have been really enjoying walking again and was increasing my time and distance--- but now have plantar fasciitis so have had to switch to bicycling and "aquatherapy". Well--- I am *planning* on going back to the pool. Really.

Find what you enjoy and fit it into your schedule. Many of us have weight issues to resolve now that we can walk again. Get out there and use your new knee(s). That's why we got them, isn't it? So we can lead "normal" lives. Go for it!
The thing that worked for me in losing weight and the only thing I could do that did not bother my knees was the original Nordic skiier (not the elleptical). I don't know if you can find one but if you can try it.

I could not walk as my knees could not handle that.

Good luck

I know how you feel, Simon and Cathie. One thing I have been aching to do at the gym is run on the treadmill. Well, today I managed it - not much, only about 40 seconds at 6 kph. But it was enough to tell me anymore would be a BIG BIG mistake!

(hobble, hobble!)
Maybe I am way behind you all, but I can't seem to walk for any length of time. I get really tired out and the legs get stiff. Do I need to push harder???????
Cathie -

I am pre op, and I am a hip, not a knee. But - I did have baby pounds to shed recently (with a hurting knee and hip). As much as I love to be on the move and active, I don't actually like to go to the gym and work out. So I do tons of stuff, but it does not seem like excercise.
1. Pool - do you have a friend that likes water? My girlfriend and I went to the deep end of the pool, and would throw a ball back and forth while chatting (and had to kick with our legs to stay afloat!). 45 minutes went by before we knew it. Wonderful calorie burner.
2. Biking - I hate stationary bikes - but if you have a scenic route, and aren't going up and down hills to tire out your knee(s) - biking can be a wonderful excercise, that is my alone time with my husband
3. I DO not DO walking :)
4. well, I chase a 17 month old all day long - we go to the pool on a bike, so that burns calories.
5. Healthy diet (sorry!) and lots of water.

And remember to celebrate small victories, and you'll get into those pants eventually!

I cycle 80-100 miles a week. I hate exercise bikes, but I had become used to them during rehab. Now I use a real bike, cycle as much as I can. I know that during the winter I will be attaching a mount to my real bike so I can pedal it instead of the exer-bike.

In order to burn calories, it is stated that you need to work the larger muscle groups--ie---the legs. I als believe tht yoga is great for flexibility and one's mental state, but is not aerobic; therefore, fewer calories are burned.

The real key, however, is limiting your calorie intake, as well. Fruits, veggies, all the stuff that I do not necessarily like?!?!

Eat in moderation---for me, it was avoiding foods before bedtime, as well well as "hidden fats".

There was a nice big notice in my chiropractor's office yesterday, detailing all the reasons why we should drink lots of water and the things that can happen if we don't. For instance, about 25% of breathing problems of supposed and previously undiagnosed 'asthma' are actually symptoms of dehydration! Most of the websites that give info on this actually only focus on the extreme state but the low grade state can be just as invasive. I'll have to get more info from him to post here as it is very interesting ...
Hello Cathy,

I would recommend an exercise bike. They run specials on good bikes for less than $1000.00---setup and delivery included. I use mine to warm up in the morning and you can watch TV at the same time. Levels can be adjusted to match your fitness level. Hope that helps. Good luck, Tom
Yes, drinking water helps you loose weight. You have to run to the bathroom constantly.

Hey Ref, grits are low calorie!!!
I hate to say this but I've found that exercise is better for moving weight around
your body than losing weight. I exercise a lot and what I am is a very muscular
5'10" 225 pounder. It turns out that its really hard to exercise enough to wear off
one subway sandwich. (I saw somewhere that if you are doing foot on pavement
exercise you should count on roughly 100 calories per mile - it doesn't matter running
or walking). So the way to lose weight is to take in less energy i.e. calories).

Now I don't want to discourage people from exercise since it does raise HDL, lower LDL,
stave off type II diabetes and generally make you sexier.
In a book called "How to prevent diabetes" the opening line was "Eat less and move more"!
Hello Cathy,

I would recommend an exercise bike. They run specials on good bikes for less than $1000.00---setup and delivery included. I use mine to warm up in the morning and you can watch TV at the same time. Levels can be adjusted to match your fitness level. Hope that helps. Good luck, Tom

In the US, try Ebay (regional)or Craigs list ( for good prices on used ones. (People are ALWAYS selling them after their good intentions fail...)
I bought a wonderful new upright Schwinn 113 computerized "damaged" stationary bike on eBay. The Fan in the computer part had been damaged and removed....... I truly do not need to feel the "wind in my face" from a fan to use it. It works great! It cost me under $400.00 including shipping to my home. It has been wonderful for me.
Just thought I would share.
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