@ClownMagnet -you are hysterical-but I get all your saying. Recovery sucks-badly.i hope today is a better day, sending you positive vibes only 

Honestly, yes I was feeling pretty anxious about it. Definitely have someone within earshot for the first couple showers. We have a walk in shower so I took my walker in with me for support. It was a quick shower and hair washing and I was OUT. I felt a tad wobbly, but so good afterward! It felt like a FIRST shower. For the second shower, I took the walker in again, but hubs put a stop to it after that as it would get water inside and then drain onto the towels he had placed on the floor. He told me I didn't need it and he was right. I honestly don't even know if he was home the third time I showered, but after two showers I had a temporary routine down and was fine on my own.My next goal: my first shower (first post-op shower, not my first shower ever, I mean good grief give me SOME credit!). Tomorrow. I confess I am terrified. (were y’all terrified?)
Hi!Mendogal, thanks for the info about the iron supplements. Do you have a link to a recent study or two that I can share with my OS?
Here's info on alternate day dosing.
AGA Clinical Practice Update, August 2024
Cochrane Library, May 2020
What a great analogy! I'm going to steal this, if you don't mind.I’m still treating my new hip like it’s a $33 million Faberge egg.
Here ya go. We aim to please. Enjoy!!I just feel frustrated that the world doesn’t understand that two weeks is still very very early days, and that I would still love someone to come by to bring me flowers or fix me a cup of tea every now and then.