Enemy (arthiritic pain) is back after hip replacement surgery!

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junior member
Jun 17, 2009
Canada Canada
A week ago from now, I felt slight arthritic pain in my left hip for a couple of minutes. I thought, what the hell I won't worry too much about it. I thought it was due to excess stress of driving and walking on the new hip. However, the same thing happened today but it lasted me about a couple of hours. In terms of magnitude, it was definitely higher than what it was last week. It only happens when I am walking or standing. While resting and sleeping, its perfectly fine. Any advises please guys? I am really freaking out to the extent that I breaking down in tears. I thought getting the surgery would put an end to it:rant:

I know someone posted a thread about arthritis pain after hip replacement, but somehow I can't find it anymore. Maybe the thread title has been changed by the poster. Please help me guys.
No Tapan I though no mews was good news...........Maybe you are doing to much take the weekend ice relax see if its better if not call your OS dont wait..........Take care of yourself. Im so sorry........)
No Tapan I though no mews was good news...........Maybe you are doing to much take the weekend ice relax see if its better if not call your OS dont wait..........Take care of yourself. Im so sorry........)

Thank you. I need all the sympathy I can get. I know it sounds shallow but the feeling of going through it again is more unbearable than the pain itself.

Btw, today is 7 weeks post OP
Tapan! Yes! Call your OS! Take some Advil, ice and elevate! Do you have any swelling? Have you been more active than usual? I doubt that its arthritic pain at this point unless its referred pain! (Coming from a different place!!!) Don't get yourself nuts, but do check it out! Good luck! (:)0)
When did you have your surgery? I know when I overdid it my hip complained rather loudly. It was the worst pain I had ever experienced in my hip. I had just done way too much and needed to calm down. I have a very old thread about it from last summer.
Have you called your doc yet?

I had some severe pains about 6 months out from each hip replacement. The first time, I really freaked out. I researched it and felt it was likely psoas tendonitis or something and by the time I thought about going in to the OS, it was gone. Basically, when I stood up in the morning, I had a severe pain in my groin (same spot as before surgery), but much more intense than usual dull arthritis pains. It would go away after a few minutes generally, but sometimes creep up later in the day. It lasted about a month each hip. The first one is now 11 months out and I haven't felt that pain since about April. Anyhow. Hope yours is the same issue as mine, because it will pass before long and be a distant memory!

Good luck.

No, no! Don't panic - is only soft tissue inflammation and will settle in time. Take some anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen to ease it. It's quite common and has no dire implications.
Aren't we the high strung bunch??? But when Jo and Jamie aren't around.....you can't go wrong calling your OS!!!! (:)0)
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