Encouragement: Old dogs new tricks

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Max Wallace

Jun 20, 2008
There are so many things given up because of bad knees I would like to list things that some would take for granted in hopes of encouraging others to let this surgery change their lifes.

1. walking without pain
2. sleeping without pain
3. playing golf
4. riding my six year old piggy back
5. teaching my six year old to ride without training wheels
6. bowling for the first time in 20 years
7. riding a bike
8. hiking
9. canoeing

please add to this list
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Going to the grocery store (yes I miss it and used to hate it)
Shopping with my girls
Walking on the beach
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Getting in and out of a car chair, couch without being in agony!!
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Walking up and down stairs!! (:)0)
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Going to the bathroom without having to think about it for several minutes first.
Walking the stairs in my house.
Sleeping comfortably in the bed.
Taking a hot bubble bath.
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Most of yours
Dancing with my husband
Not taking the stairs one step at a time
Taking long walks
Trusting my knees
Being "balanced" on the Wii

RTKR 05/18/2009
LTKR 10/05/2009
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Dancing would be close to the top of my list. Love to dance
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

I really appreciate not having that awful bone scrunching pain when I move after standing in one place for a while washing dishes.

Also, my knee doesn't usually hurt anymore when I'm sitting or lying down...makes relaxing very relaxing lol.

Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Going down a fairly steep hill without having to choose my steps carefully.
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Adding to the list for me is:
Having my knees lock in a standing position as they are meant to......
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

at 6 weeks post surgery;
walking without pain or a limp
walking for exercise without pain--now able to do mile and 1/2 at one time
walking up and down steps without doing one step at a time
having a straight left leg again
having GREAT hope for getting back to my active lifestyle
doing a walking DVD for i/2 hour without pain
having my husband tell me--"you amaze me"
cleaning house without pain (really)
shopping without pain--even Walmart and Lowe's
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Max, thanks for starting this thread. I needed the encouragement. I can just look at these lists over the next to weeks and be happy about my upcoming surgery.
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

How about rolling around in the blue grass, Anne??? (:)0)
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Something I did today (and last week, and I will do again in two weeks)-

Taking the stairs INSTEAD of the elevator!

Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

I want to be able to walk up stairs again... next cruise I'm SO going down that water slide!!!
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Though my new knee is fine, my other one is now not fine and I would so appreciate not taking 4½ hrs to visit 6 shops and having to use the electric trolley in most of them!
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Working in the kitchen at work without having to sit on the tall stool.

Mowing my own yard. And gardening.
Re: Encouranement: Old dogs new tricks

Standing with my weight equally on both feet instead of leaning to one side with most of my weight on one leg.

I have to keep reminding myself that I CAN stand on both legs!
Walking my dog
Not having to use the handicapped stall just for the grab bar!
Kneeling in prayer.
Playing on the floor with the children.
Walking for pleasure without pain.
Enjoying my children and grandchildren.
Shopping till we're dropping.
Going to the barn and working with the horses again.
Walking the dogs.
Taking the children/grandchildren to the park and walking park.
Riding a bike.
etc. etc. etc.
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