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Nov 4, 2007
Hi everyone, came out of hospital yesterday after having TKR(right) and all is good.I know the operation is less than a week old but went for a walk to the parents house today,its about 500 metres up the road but did I it easily there and back.I feel I could have walked alot further but I,m not going to be silly about it and push it to much.The hospital gave me a load of pain-killers to take home with me, I,ll of couse use them if I need to but so far so good havent had any.I know its only early days but as the thread title says it is very encouraging.
cheers all klinger
That is remarkable! You're doing great! Please keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing. The first week was not so bad for me.. it was around week 3 that I became frustrated and impatient. Hang in there and remember where you put the pain meds in case you need them... and I'm thinking you will need them soon. And remember ice is your new best friend!
Welcome to the group!

God bless,
My gosh that is fantastic. 500 meter walk...Do you have any swelling to deal with after such a treck?
And you aren't taking any pain pills?
How's you sleep? I'm at 6.5. weeks post op and I have to pop one before bed if I've pushed the knee.
Welcome klinger, post early and often. You may very well be setting records with your progress! I'll just echo what Skeet said about the pain meds and ice. Skeet, weeks 3-5 will hereforth be known as "The Pit", I thought I would die!
At week 3 I WANTED to die, or kill someone. I was so sorry I had done this and just wanted my old knee and my old life back. Now at 11 weeks I am doing so much better and my knee doesn't hurt like it did. I am happy I did this... but I so pray I never need to have the other knee done!

The Pit... I like that!
That is a very good description for it. A new term is born.
Hi all, not an alien no...I did use walking sticks and only walked at a medium pace, Dunno if its because have got used to knee pain over the last 3-4yrs or so or if it comes from being used to to pain due to 20yrs of playing rugby.I in case some of you yanks are not familiar with rugby its somewhat like your football without the helmets and padding ha! ha!. But anyway I,m still determined not to overdo it, but all physio hurts and I guess there are varying pain threasholds. I know I,ve got a long way to go yet but it aint gonna be held up by me not trying. Catch you all later Klinger
I am married to an ex rugby player, they do have good pain thresholds, it's because of all the injuries they endure during their playing years I think.

Where are you in UK? I used to live there until 18 years ago.

Hope things continue to go smoothly for you Klinger.
Hi there Nursepair,I live in the Midlands,Worcestershire. What club did your old man play for? And hows life out in Canada compared to the UK.I,d imagine its somewhat different to here given you have half the population and a country dunno 40-50x bigger than England. Its funny really we know canada is there but unlike the states we never seem to here much news coming out from there.I can imagine its a beautiful place to see though,hope I do one day. cheers klinger
Please look at new person Glenda's posts and see if you can help her. Sounds like she is not doing too well.
It is awesome to hear how well you are doing already.
Continue on this path and you will be all set in no time.
Hello Klinger, Kevin played at several clubs (not professional). When I first met him, in 1974, he played for the hospital we worked in, Basildon Essex, also for Basildon Rugby club. As we moved araound he played for other clubs too. Rugely. I think, Burton-on-Trent also, I think, sorry meds muddle my mind!!

We love it here, Ontario, it is a great place to live, so laid back compared to UK. We could never live back there, but often visit as we have friends and all our family there, we came only with our 3 kids. Most things are cheaper, people extremely friendly and good service, most of the time, in restaurants and stores.

Winter is hard, we just had another dump of snow last night, 5 inches ahhhh, means I still need to walk with my walker outside, too slippery with my cane. Still love the summers!! We have a small trailer(caravan) 2 hours north of us we go to most weekends in the Spring, Summer and Fall. It is really pretty there. Lots of fishing!!!

I love to drive here, can't at the moment, would never drive in UK again!! It's crazy with all those cars and the speeds!!!!!!!!! I only learnt a few months befor we came here as the public transport sucks compared to UK. Miss the history too. Never appreciated it while we were there really.

Hope to get to UK this July, maybe, I really want to go back to the Lake District, have been going since our eldest was 10 months old, he's 30 this year. Have to see if I will be able to walk well enough first as we love to hike on the fells.

Anyway, hope you continue the great progress. Sue
Do any other of you USA'ns (that's redneck for Americans) find yourself reading their posts with a British accent???? I love it!!!! I want to start using bloody and bits and cheers in my everyday conversation, too!!!!!
Yes I do read them and hear the accent. I think the names of the cities/towns are cool too.
A few years ago, I spent a couple of days hosting a Sergeant from Scotland yard. He was supposed to be observing our style of policing. He couldn't get used to the fact that we all carried guns. Sometimes two.
We spent the majority of our time discussing our differences, and similarities.
I took him to the coast to treat him to a fresh seafood dinner and he saw a confederate flay flying in front of a house we passed. That started a whole new conversation. It was really a fun time.
Oh, bloody hell!!! Patti, and Doug, we Brits don't have accents, we speak the Queen's english don't you know? You are the ones with an accent, hee....hee....
Well dad gum , I speak Mom's english and can pretty much destroy the english language. Can't spell anymore either. Thank goodness for spellcheck.
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