It is interesting that only women are commenting on this topic.
Guys are not usually very good about talking about many personal topic, but will talk your ear off about a new carburetor or quarterback rating..
I asked this same question just before my THR at the beginning of June. It was a question my girlfriend wanted answered. My feeling was that intimacy can wait until you don't want to wait. The nature of the intimacy is of less importance since there is a wide range on the continuum between no intimacy and hanging off the chandelier wackiness. Something in that range would be physically non-risky at any point in the recovery process. An evening of massage and cuddling soon after the procedure would be too much for some, yet for some of us who had a faster resumption of normal life(if you can call suddenly having no paid after 5 years of daily suffering "normal life") were ready for more "expressive" expression of affection and intimacy in a week or so. It makes no difference really, it all accomplishes the same than, reconnection and strengthening the bond. The problem as I see it is when it can't be talked about between partners or having the feeling that something is expected. That can kill desire as much as the recovery itself. So talk about it, if you do not feel up to anything physical, a true partner will understand before you do, and be thrilled with just the romantic talk or reading poetry to each other, with the lights low and nice candles flickering.
Be sure NOT to be talked into anything or submit to unrealistic expectations from a partner who might not understand your lack of desire is not a rejection of them. You are broken and your mind and body has an extra load of fixing itself. Be selfish in this case. But keep talking, or writing if your relationship does not normally talk about such topics.
Notice I am not writing very much about the time needed for resumption of the physical relationship. I think there is no date where one would go from low interest and ability to suddenly having great desire and ability. It is a continuously sliding scale and the scale goes both directions, some days progressing and other days retarding.
Some positions will be riskier than others, any where flexing at extreme angles or supporting heavier weight should be introduced later than those where you do not exert much energy or require much strength and balance. The spoon position for example can be very comfortable and relaxing even early on as long as a support is used between your knees to prevent crossover.
You body will be capable about the same time as your mind desires. Don't push it, or set a date as a goal. By just taking your quiet time together as a time for focusing on each other, with no expectations for intercourse, one day you will just fall into each others mutual desire. A sensitive partner might be more concerned with your being hurt than you are, so you might have to be more of the aggressor and provide the boundaries for both of you.
Have fun ladies!