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Mar 5, 2008
United States United States
Are all of our knees still bending? Midwest quake 5.4 this am. Is everyone OK? Jamie?
Epicenter was about 80 miles from our house. Woke up and said
to my wife "boy that was quite a gust of wind" and promptly fell
back asleep. Wasn't until we watched the local morning news that
we heard about the earthquake and put two and two together.

We had no damage.
WHEW WE !!!!! what a wake up in ILLINOIS we are about 75 mile from the earthquake center here in central IL .... it sure woke me up and man our pooches really freaked for a min or 2 wasnt sure what it was but like edk heard about it on the news .everything a ok here hope all is good else where.................JIM
I lived in CA for 15 years.. pretty standard fare there. It is freaky when you aren't used to them. We went through the 7.1 back in 1989. That scared the padiddle out of me for sure. Don't miss them. Hope you are all fine and that there was no damage or injuries.
I thought maybe JUST maybe, Sue's prunes had kicked in!!!

Oh, that reminds me.... for those of us who are trying to reduce the pain pills.... we might want to reduce the prune intake too... I never thought about that..... until Mother Nature reminded me this morning. lol
Are all of our knees still bending? Midwest quake 5.4 this am. Is everyone OK? Jamie?

We were far enough from the quake here on the Kansas side of town that no one felt it. I did hear on the news that some of the folks on the easter side of town did feel slight tremors...absolutely nothing strong enough for concern or damage. Kansas City is such a huge sprawled out metropolis, it is over an hour from one end of the city and suburbs to the other even on the freeway. So that's why the difference in feeling the earthquake from east to west.
I must sleep like a rock as I felt nothing. Once the kids left the nest, unless the dreaded phone rings at 2am I am out like a light. Okay except for the occasional potty breaks.
I am 46 miles from the epicenter, and I woke up to the whole house shaking. At first I thought I would just lay there and wait for it to end, but it seemed to continue forever and get stronger, so I got my robe off the back of the bathroom door and headed downstairs. I think the effect was stronger upstairs! When I got to the bottom of the stairs, my son and a friend of his were there also, with a panic look on their faces! We discussed what we should have done and decided it would have been best to get out of the house! My son thought we should have gone to the basement, but I told him, no if it was the "big one" we would be better to go outside, the house could collapse into the basement, and outside you just need to be aware of power lines falling and craters opening up and swallowing you! But even if it was the "big one", my house would most likely be the last one on the block to collapse. It was built in 1937 and is solid Oak, floors window frames, doors, stairs everything! Even the lathes in the walls are Oak!
At about 10:15 am there was a slight after shock and I was at work. As I was on my way to the shop to see if they felt it back there the phone rang, I answered it and it was the 18 yr old son of our owners asking if I had felt it. I explained to him we could possibly feel after shocks for up to 2 weeks. Then as I was returning to the office the phone rang again, it was my mom, "did you feel that?" yea, yea, what do I look like a really seismograph??? Is this earthquake central??? Then my cell phone rang, it was my husband......"did you feel that???" I sure am glad there were no more today, I would never have gotten anything done!!!!
Here in the Northwest we have occasional earthquakes (three that I felt) and volcanos (I remember Mt. St. Helens very well!)

Earthquakes feel funny..... One happened in the middle of the night. I woke up thinking the washing machine was running and out of balance because of the noise of everything rattling in the house.

Another one happened while I was teaching. I was sitting in my desk chair, which has wheels. I became aware that my stomach was feeling queasy and my chair was starting to roll across the floor. I told my students we were having an earthquake and they laughed at me. Just then the intercom came on and told us to evacuate the building!

By coincidence--- we had our regularly scheduled mandated earthquake drill at school today. I refused to crawl under my desk! Not on these knees!
Glad everyone survived the earthquake. Must have been scary. I would have to run to the bathroom if I felt it, my nerves always get me that way!!
One time I was flying to California when a quite large quake hit Livermore (this was 79)
the pilot came on and said quake hit but San Francisco airport was still operating so we continued. Later we were waiting to check into our hotel for an international conference when there was quite a big aftershock. None of the guests knew what it was felt like a ship hitting a big wave but the desk clerk started yelling EARTHQUAKE. I was in line behind a Brit who in typical stiff upper lip fashion said "Pardon me do you give an earthquake discount"
One time I was flying to California when a quite large quake hit Livermore (this was 79)
the pilot came on and said quake hit but San Francisco airport was still operating so we continued. Later we were waiting to check into our hotel for an international conference when there was quite a big aftershock. None of the guests knew what it was felt like a ship hitting a big wave but the desk clerk started yelling EARTHQUAKE. I was in line behind a Brit who in typical stiff upper lip fashion said "Pardon me do you give an earthquake discount"

Don't you just LOVE British humor!!! Priceless story, EDK!
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