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Dec 3, 2007
North Carolina
United States United States
It's time for spring cleaning...dump your PM BEEEES full!


Everyone else....I'm going to copy all of the photos tomorrow and slam them into a new thread...a new thread that is to contain NO words....NADA....

I agree, Patti. I was wondering if we should do that. Great idea!!!!! Words must go in another thread!!! Let's make a real photo album. Thanks so much for volunteering to do all the work!
It'll be a snap if I can keep everyone out of my office tomorrow!!! Won't I look SO stinkin' busy??

I'm naming you the "Beat Down Captain"'ll POLICE the words!
I'm ready with my baseball bat in hand. I learned a thing or two about crowd control from 28 years with the Marines!!! Maybe our own POLICEman will help too. He knows how to slam the perps up against the car, I bet.
uh......he's my main concern with the WORDS, captain!!!
I feel a slammin' in his future.
Hey girls.... here I am again. Freezing my not-so-little tuckus off at parent conferences. Down to a little less than an hour to go..... This gym feels like a damp basement and is full of coughing, hacking people. Where is that can of Lysol when I need it?
Still having snow this weekend Patti? We are supposed to have 70s and sunshine. Oh, please God, let it be true! This girl needs to soak in some rays.... and be warm.
My "reward" for this miserable PTC is a physical therapy date tomorrow morning with the massage therapist. She only works mornings and since I had to work two 12+ hr days/nights we get tomorrow off and I am taking advantage of the situation....
oops... battery is dying. No plug ins available in the gym. Catch ya later!
Still working hard then Beach? Hope you keep all those germs at bay. Lucky you with the weather. Enjoy!!

Hope you really enjoy your day off tomorrow, just relax in that sun.

Was flicking channels on TV a bit last night, there was a house hunting programme on , it was in Oregon, Showed some areas, looked beautiful, mountains and beach. Portland, a place called Tigad or something? Can't remember now, damn pills!!
Well in the words I have uttered a number of times, "If you feel frogy, leap on over here"
Hi Sue,
Portland is the largest city in Oregon--- about 40 miles from where I live. Tigard is between here and Portland--- about 30 miles from here, I guess. I am going there on Saturday to pick up my son. He doesn't have a car-- lives downtown Portland and takes public transit everywhere, but the bus doesn't come this far so we meet in between.
Oregon is a beautiful state indeed.

I am finally home and ready to go to bed. Only have to work 4 hours tomorrow.....

good night

Still working hard then Beach? Hope you keep all those germs at bay. Lucky you with the weather. Enjoy!!

Hope you really enjoy your day off tomorrow, just relax in that sun.

Was flicking channels on TV a bit last night, there was a house hunting programme on , it was in Oregon, Showed some areas, looked beautiful, mountains and beach. Portland, a place called Tigad or something? Can't remember now, damn pills!!
Beach, so glad you made it through this marathon and now only have a few hours to put in on Friday until a well-deserved rest!!! Take good care of yourself!!!
Beach, I so remember those days of PTCs. The systems I worked in would do them on what they called Open House nights about twice a year. It never failed that the parents I needed/wanted to talk with NEVER showed up and the ones that came rarely had any issues. It was many hours of life wasted, but then thats how the whole 'teaching' gig felt to me. In any case, my sympathies.
Good morning all--- thanks for your messages of support these past days.
I woke up feeling like an 88 year old woman and could barely drag myself out of bed. I've spent the last two days walking with my cane taking little shuffling steps because my knees hurt so bad..... I decided I am NOT going into work today. It is a "work day" with no students. Sometime this weekend I will work the 4 hours or take 1/2 sick day.
On the up side--- the sun is shining brightly and the prediction is 75 by tomorrow! Love it!
Gat-- you are so right.... out of my 80+ stidents--- 12 parents came to conferences and none of their students were getting less than a B....IMO it was a monumental waste of a lot of professional time...there are so many other, more productive things we could have done with those 8 hours. But that is the way our system is set up...
Exactly my point. I think it clearly shows the importance of parental involvement in the student's learning process. The parent/student that have the connection with the school/teacher do much better. The one's who do not place an importance, evidenced by their absense from PTCs and other 'free' opportunities to interact, routinely struggle. It shows very clearly that teachers can only do so much. I do believe that every student CAN learn, but every student does not WANT to learn. Much of that the kids learn before they ever walk into the school. Sorry for the rant, I guess my disdain for public education is showing.
Gat, I couldn't agree with you more. Although we don't have kids in the school system in the Kansas City suburb where I live, we do have two grandkids. Our schools have a VERY high rating and they get TONS of tax dollars - the most of ANY of the suburbs. The graduation rate is good, but I am saddened by the amount of "free" days the kids have from grade school all through high school. They are forever getting out of school for some type of teachers day or field days or vacation or "snow days" when we get no snow. And many times when they ARE in school, they are involved in a lot of what I would call fluff that seems more like an effort to occupy their time instead of really teaching solid subjects or life skills. It's a good thing I don't have kids in school....the district would probably get very tired of hearing from me. As it is, our daughter does her share of providing input to the teachers, but things don't change too much. I doubt if it is really the teachers' fault, either....I think the large district administration has more to do with it than anything. I admire good teachers like you guys who really care about their students. It's a shame teachers don't have more control over things!
My son comes home with amazing stories of the behavior of some of the kids at school. Some get in fights so they will get expelled. Many just refuse to do homework. Don't even get me going on the unenforced dress code.
I was in charge of the DARE program for several years. I went to all 33 schools graduations. It was interesting how in some schools the auditorium would be packed with proud parents. At others you might have 3 mothers and 2 grandmothers present.
In a society that is increasingly technical and complex many will be dysfunctional. The only thing they can work is a cell phone. I'm afraid we are going to have some major problems in the future because of the increased crime this is going to spawn.
You and I are in total agreement, Doug. But....on the other hand I see many of my friends kids who are totally amazing. One boy in particular got out of college with a masters in aeronautical engineering and decided he wanted to do something different than his original goal of becoming an astronaut. So at the tender age of 21, he got married and started a car wash company with his brother in San Antonio. He has 8 car washes now - all with model "green" processing of waste water. This next year he plans to add 5 more car washes in Texas and his wife started her own engineering consultant firm (plus she's pregnant with their second child). And they are still in their 20's! It gives me hope!!! But I am sad for the large numbers who will be basically given a degree or graduate from high school with no clue how to live in the world. It's no wonder their parents have to take them in forever. And don't get me going on THAT....
I'm sure my opinions of some of some of the problems are very tainted from my 30 years of police work. But there are some major issues that aren't being address because of political correctness.
I love to hear of the success stories of the young folks.
And your story tells me another part of his character. He got MARRIED and THEN had kids..Sure there are many households with single parents with hard working mothers who work with , lead, and teach their kids.. I dealt with those who did none of that...
O.K. that's it..Let's go to a happy thread.
It's quite strange to hear of young marriages these days. We were married young, I was 22, Kevin 21, I had our first baby at 24, 2nd at 26 and third at 28. I thought when I met Kevin at 20 I was going to be left on the shelf. How things change.

Jamie, your friends son has done really well, it is wonderful to hear of success stories. I wonder though at the cost of the education to become an astronaught. It seems such a waste of money. There are so many kids now who start out learning one thing only to end up doing something completely different. Some of these people will then have to pay back student loans for many years.

We left school at 16 and got full time jobs then decided what we wanted to do and go to college or University when we knew, sometimes two years later. You would also have a chance to save for your own education. We couldn't afford to waste so much money. Still as I say, times have changed.
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