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Dry mouth

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junior member
Dec 31, 2008
Since my surgery my mouth is "to the extreme" dry. I am a faithful water drinker. It goes as far as my throat.

Its the pain meds!!! And the dryness of your house this time of year! Better dry than being in pain!!!!!
Oh yes. I had that too.

The only thing I wanted was lemonade. I can't count how many times I sent hubby to the store for more!
I experienced that as well so I stopped taking the stool softeners and just rely on lots of fibre. Real rolled oats, not the quick cooking kind, every morning (with apples and pears) do the trick quite nicely. The oats only take 10-15 minutes in a pot and throw in a chopped apple or pear and maybe some raisins and cinnamon for the last 5 minutes. I also have gone off coffee which is a diuretic and drains fluid from your body so I suspect that helps keeps the moisture in. Of course, drinking lots of water helps.

Hope it's going well for you Deb.
I bought a big can of powerded gatorade and kept a big insulated cup of it beside my recliner for the longest time. The electrolytes in the drink are good for your muscles if they are cramping, which I had a lot of.

Hard candy worked for me. I was in inpatient rehab when it hit really bad and the PT took me on a walk to the gift shop to get some and that saved me.

I have had that problem for weeks now, and the thing that has helped me most is Biotene chewing gum made for dry mouth. They also make a mouthwash, toothpaste, and dry mouth spray. See if that helps.
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