Dreams and Nightmares 11 days post op

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junior member
Sep 23, 2009
Portland, Conn
United States United States
Hi all, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving Holiday. Couple of things have come up during the past week or so. 11 days post op on a LTKR, I have had a number of very bad dreams, dreams that I have been awoken from, which have scared me enough not to want to get back into bed or close me eyes. I know it must be the pain meds, so I know I can't stop taking them just yet, any other suggestions. Just got back from my 2nd outpatient PT. ROM today was 95, and a high five for the first time getting a full rotation on the stationary bike. I thought that was so cool. I was able to stay on the stationary bike for 10 minutes today, basically pain free. I feel I'm doing great with ROM motion. I still have enough pain that keeps me on oxycdone, 2
pills every 4 hours. I'm walking around my house without the cane, anytime I venture outside, I make sure I have the cane. The other problem I'm having is sleep. I know I'm not getting enough sleep each day. I sleep for maybe an hour at at time. Yesterday I got about 4 hours, any ideas, with adding another chemical to my cocktails of meds? Thanks

There are many options for pain meds. You could call and ask your doctor to change to another medication because this one is keeping you awake and giving you nightmares when you do get to sleep.

It is common in the early stages of recovery to only be able to sleep a few hours at a time. It is important that you take naps during the day to make up for that. Sleep whenever and wherever you can. Also, make sure you are icing your knee when you are lying down - even at night! That can help with the pain and discomfort.

Congratulations on the bike!!! You are doing well so far. Way to go!!!
At bedtime take 2 tablets of Calcuim 600 mg + D along with 2 tablets of Magnesium 250 mg It is an age old cure for insomnia....... Try taking 2 1000 mg Vitamin D at night as well.
Worked for me.....
I also took one of each in the AM to help with healing.
Good luck with it.
I to had bad dreams nightmares......i agree ask you dr for something different or make sure you eat with the meds that did help me a lil............hang in there it gets better.........i wish you the best........and congratsa on the bike that was a huge step be proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......)
When I was early on in the hospital, I did some serious tripping on the pain pills. I asked to go off the one I thought was the culprit. Looking back, it's very normal as they had said. It's better to get pain relief and know it's a side effect, and that you're not nuts or crazy especially when telling someone what you dreamt!!

You sound like you are doing well, and that's some good biking time.

As far as sleeping, I miss the cat-napping. I think that's when I was able to rest the most. When you sleep, you heal. I do not seem to be able to nap these days, and nights are awfully restless.

Take care,


BTKR 8/09
Defintely the pain meds! I had such vivid drreams also! You got such good advice, wish I had known earlier!! HAPPY DREAMS!!!:yn::zzz::wink:
Just a quick note about the cane......don't know how anyone else feels about this, but my home physical therapist said to use the cane for quite awhile. If there is any limp or abnormal gait at all, the cane should be used. I didn't use it nearly as much as I should. I still have a limp and saw her the other day...she said I should get the cane back out!

Just sayin'......
Great to hear your doing so well, My physio also told me not to ditch the cane to soon because of getting a limp.
Hi, I was told to get a cane as I was giving up my walker, did so. Never used it. I do have a limp still. But I am a bilateral if that makes a difference. They told me to walk on a treadmill for it. Now I'm wondering if I should have learned to use a cane. I asked my Dr. at my 4 week visit if I didn't feel like I needed it if it was okay and he said yes.
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