new member
my knees are junk had scoped the right one twice in the last ten years and left one was damaged as a teen and have just lived with the troubles and bit the bullet.but after my last scope on the right one it never got better and that was 4 years ago.asked the Dr last year if we could do replacement and he kinda insulted me. said i was to young and to heavey.that the replacement parts will prematurly wear out.hahah nothing like a great bedside manner.sure im over weight! he wants me to drop 75 lbs before he will think of it.been doing weightwatchers but without excersize you realy dont have much hopoe to loose weight.problem is my knees are so bad im dropping celebrex and tylenol daly just to keep enough movement to keep a job.
should i just pick up the phone book and seek another opinion ?
should i just pick up the phone book and seek another opinion ?