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Doing good - 2nd TKR 13th July

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junior member
Jul 23, 2009
United States
I had my left TKR on July 13, 2009 and seem to be doing well. I had the right TKR on May 29, 2007 and all went well with it. I came home on Thursday, July 16th. swelling has been minimal following both surgeries. Home health is working with me and physical therapy started last Monday. PT will be here three days a week for three or four weeks. So far this one is much easier than the right and I did well with the right one. On Monday I was at 105° flex. I have had the CPM up to 125° since then. I do have to start at a lesser flex and work my way up to the 125°. Pain has been at a minimum so far and I can sleep through the night. Most of the time I don't need a pillow between my knees to sleep. I do take one Norco at bedtime. Unless I have PT I only take one Norco per day. The PT calls me before he comes out and I take a Norco to help me relax when he is doing the therapy. I will be going back to the doctor on Monday to get the staples out.

My doctor's policy is I am weight bearing as tolerated but will use a walker for six weeks and then a cane for an additional six. I take one 325 mg aspirin for blood thinner twice a day for 30 days.

Re: Newbie

Well, you are the star patient! My goodness, no way I could have not taken pain killers so soon. Welcome to BoneSmart.

BTW, I changed the title of the thread as almost everyone new uses that and it doesn't help peopl,e find the thread in a search if it doesn't say what it's about.
Hey Jeeper. Sounds like you are doing very well. Just dont go full speed ahead. Still ice and relax. God luck to you on your recovery. Now that you have both done you are all new anytime....Im very happy for you...
Wow, you are doing great!! I have my 2nd TKR coming up on the 25 of Aug. so I just hope it does as well as yours. Keep it up, but take it slowly, and don't forget to ice and to rest. Post when you can, love you hear about your progress.
Actually I don't consider myself a star patient, just a very fortunate person who lucked out. I will give credit to my surgeon who does many hips, knees, and shoulders. All of those at the hospital did great too.

I am Library Media Specialist at the local high school/middle school. I am hoping to be ready to go, at least half a day, when school starts on August 10th. I won't have students until August 13th. Following the other TKR my students were awesome! They went out of their way to help me with doors and lifting. I never had to ask for assistance. Even gave me more clearance in the hallways when I would get caught out during passing.

You must have had a GREAT Surgeon!!! Because you are doing excellent!!!!
And it is so very nice to meet you!
Amazing, always good to hear such great recovery stories. I too am waiting to have my LTKR and hope it goes much better than the first that has been a booger!

Hope all goes as planned for you to return to school on August 10th. I am amazed, I couldn't have gone back that soon. I am a home educator, so it was easy to pile the children around me in the bed or on the couch to do school a few weeks after my RTKR. Just thankful I didn't have to manage the between classes crowds you will be enduring!


No one was as surprised as I was over the this surgery. I knew it was a good one within a day of surgery when I was up and about with very little pain.

I do pray that your second knee will go as well as mine.

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