Looking for some info/advice on how to handle my dog "situation" after a tkr. I have 3 puppers - 1 Alaskan Huskey (about 50 pounds) and 2 Giant Malamutes (132 pounds and 117 pounds). Believe it or not they are inside dogs. They go out and play but live in the house. They love their crates, but also their momma. We cuddle and play. They are like big old teddy bears, but the key word is big. They have never "taken me out", but on occassion have bumped me - especially in the knee area. Fortunately they are not "walk" dogs. They go out in my large fenced in yard and take care of business. My nine year old is a pro at feeding and picking up the yard. All I have to do is open their crates and then the back slider ad out they go. Just a bit worried about the whole coming home from the hospital and initial greeting. - plus the bumping issue.
Anyone else have to deal with issues like this??? I won't send them to a kennel since Jessi is able to deal with their immediate needs. Plus my honey is home for the beginning. We have a baby gate that keeps them in separate places when my little neice is here or my dad (also bad knees) Like I said they don't need to be walked - they run around my yard like wild!
Thanks for any suggestions!
Anyone else have to deal with issues like this??? I won't send them to a kennel since Jessi is able to deal with their immediate needs. Plus my honey is home for the beginning. We have a baby gate that keeps them in separate places when my little neice is here or my dad (also bad knees) Like I said they don't need to be walked - they run around my yard like wild!
Thanks for any suggestions!