Does your knee make noises?

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Just be good and feel good,, Mark!!! Everything will be fine!!! (:)0)
Can a person get ill from being over nice? I would hate to get sick.:hehe:
Don't change too much.....we kind of like our old clunker. I'm just glad no one sent you cash under the clunker program. Otherwise, the govermint would have crushed you and sent you on a slow boat to China.
Don't change too much.....we kind of like our old clunker. I'm just glad no one sent you cash under the clunker program. Otherwise, the govermint would have crushed you and sent you on a slow boat to China.

Aww geeze Jamie,I love you too.
But did ya have to call me OLD clunker?? And yes my clunker program was a bust,thanks for bringing that back to my attention,lol.
And a slow boat to China,,,,,,> Priceless,,<<:hehe:
So THAT'S what that BIG NOISE was!!! CLUNKERS on their way to China!!!! (:)0)
Well I will lose them few extra pounds I gained. Chinese food makes me ill,,,lol.

Now Ms Judles,,quit trying to get me all fired up,,I am being this boring ,snoring,,nice guy.
Haha!!! I KNEW it, Mark!!!! I feel something coming..... (:)0)
My OS told me that almost all artifical knees make some kind of noise. He said if I don't hear it now, I will sometime.
..........And the latest CD should be out by Christmas!!!! (:)0). I wonder of some of you lneesals get together, if you'd harmonize?????
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