Hi Josephine
It might be. Actually I think all the favoring of the hip caused me to learn all sorts of methods of moving without more than a narrow range of motion at the hip for years. As a result, my knees, ankles and back supplied the missing range normally supplied by the hip. The idea of being able tp rotate my leg through an arc without pain or effort right after the surgery was the most startling sensation. The doctors and PT limited that arc to 135 degrees which was physically impossible before. It was not even just the pain but the bone spurs and fill in bone mass that just made the socket more of a channel with a very shallow depth.
I stayed in yesterday and worked (very windy and rained most of the day) but today I wanted to go to the office. That might have been a mistake. I got half way there and was exhausted, each step felt like I had lead weights instead of feet. I sat down on the steps of the Arctic Museum and rested and turned around and went home. After laying down for 15 minutes I felt energized again and went grocery shopping in a supermarket a few blocks away and bought only enough to fill a small backpack. That journey felt pretty much within my reserves of energy: total distance 500 meters.
A friend is coming over after her performance tonight in Love's Labor Lost with her new car(and new lincense and 13 hours of practice;>( ) to go big grocery shopping to fill up the refrigerator that will allow me to stay home if I want instead of going to cafes and restaurants every day.
One day at a time is best but I am always anxious to be doing something useful. If I did not have my laptop and Wi-Fi in the hospital I would have gone nuts feeling useless. As it was I was able to keep up with work from the office and write a new computer program and most exciting was writing a business plan for a new business idea.