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Do I need a cryocuff or polar care machine?

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Sep 22, 2009
United States United States
HI guys, It's coming down to the wire for me. I am wondering if it is a good idea to get one of those ice circulating machines for the knee.
Here are my questions:
Is it as cold as real ice?
Do I need it? I do not have an automatic ice maker, just old fashioned trays.
Which system do you recommend? I will try to get it on eBay, rather then pay full price from the medical supply store.
Thanks....freaking out here!!!!
hey Terri i posted on Judy's thread I wish you the best on Friday I will keep you in my prayers.....I have the cuff in the hosp but was sent home with the polar care its awesome i couldnt have gone without it good luck to you......And a big bone smart hug!!!!!..Oh sorry mine was rented thru the OS office before surg....i guess thats just how he did it ..but yep prob cheaper on ebay and well worth it.............
Good luck on your surgery and recovery!!!!

I use small freezer paks and put them in a zip lock. When I put it on my knee...I have an ice pak for each side.:hehe:
Hey youuuuu,,,,Friday is your big day !!
I won't even give you a bad time ,,,,well until your on the road to a speedy recovery. I am wishing for sure you heal fast,,so you can get back to that dancing,and send pictures. Did I say that outloud? sorry.:hehe:

Seriously Terri,you will do awesome ,I know you will,,you have a great attitude and have tried to learn everything you could. Once you get through surgery,we maybe even can teach you some more things:wink:

I wish you the very very best!!

Oh ya,,,them cryocuffs and polarcare machines are good,,lol

The guy with the gun!!
2 Polar Cares came home with me from the hospital, the same ones waiting in my room after surgery.

Very much luck to you Terri! You have such a great spirit. I know you will do great...and I pray for your swift healing and return back to the real world, and even work!


BTKR 8/09
You guys, you are gonna make me tear up. I don't even know how a simple thank you would be enough, But it is heart felt. Thank you sooooo much my bonesmartie family!!!!!! Love you all.
PS.... be sure not to order the Polar Care Cub. It's not electric. It would be good for a car ride I guess, but it needs to be pumped by hand. I accidentally ordered it before I knew I was coming home with 2 of the electric ones.:hissy:
Believe me we will be waiting for that otherside post............) ...I know you will be on medicine just let us know when you can that you are ok....) im sure you will make out just fine............)
I've done one knee with a polar care machine and one knee without. By all means, get one if you can. (I think all the brands are comparable.) I got mine on eBay for about $45 and it's worked great. You might check with the hospital to see if they will send you home with one before you make an investment. I'm sure I'll be using mine again when I have my hip replaced but I have a feeling that ice cold water is NOT going to be fun on my butt in December!

It's actually ice water so not quite as cold as ice but almost. You can freeze big chunks of ice in old plastic butter dishes and that sort of thing. The bigger chunks will last longer then regular ice cubes.
You guys, you are gonna make me tear up. I don't even know how a simple thank you would be enough, But it is heart felt. Thank you sooooo much my bonesmartie family!!!!!! Love you all.

Hey hey hey now,,,no tearing up. Once your healed up ,we shall give u many ways to pay us back! Or at least I will,:hehe:

Just joking Terri,,I know your as nervous as one can get,and very emotional,please smile,and keep that witty nature about you. Your going to do awesome,we all know it,,it's just a matter of you knowing it.

Huggz ,
Were all cheering you on girl,,
Get them dancing shoes ready,the new bunny is about to hop again!
One big happy group hug !!!!!!!!!!!lol...:gphg::gphg:

Hold it,,let me get in the middle,,,,,


Oh sorry,,this was for Terri,,,

We better do it again:whis:
Before you go and buy a polar machine call the hospital and see if they send one home with you.
Most hospitals do now. But that is the mid west.
Tomorrow will be a day you will need to keep yourself busy. I took my laptop with me both times and I was able to post that I was a live from the hospital. And I took other things to look at. Anything to fill the time till I could come home. I was at a private hospital so I also took bottled water and soda. And Hub's brought more when he came up.
I am not very good at being away from my home. So I needed to fill my time or I would have gone crazier then I am all ready!!!
Hi Terri, I am glad you got on here and asked us a question so that we could make a fuss over you.
Before I do that, I am sitting here typing to you while freezing my knee in my Breg Polar Care 500. It is so wonderful. My husband has frozen big tubs of ice and fills it about 2-3 times per day. It is always ready when I need it. Very lightweight, quiet and comfortable. My surgeon said he didn't think they got cold enough, but this thing is very, very cold. Remember, my OS is the one who has us in the HUGE ice bags at the hospital. So of course anything this sleek would not impress him! I bought mine new from a DME place online. If you can't find one on ebay, let me know and I will send you the link.
This morning at 5:30am, I woke up and my knee was aching and I wanted to ice it, but of course didn't want to wake everyone up. So, I just reached over, pulled my little leg wrap on with the velcro, and started icing with very icy cold water left from last night. Couldn't be easier.

Now let's get back to making a fuss over you. I know you are getting nervous, but you are going to be just fine. All of the stupid stuff already happened to us, so you are home free! You have done everything you can to prepare, now just leave the rest up to your fabulous medical team. It won't be long and you will probably have better numbers at PT than me!

On Friday, we will be having an International virtual group hug and it will squeeze away all of your fears and keep all of the happiness around you.

Keep posting as long as you can. We are like nervous parents watching you pull out of the driveway.

Sincerely, Kimberly
I can't write back now, I'm too emotional from reading all of these wonderful posts. You guys are too much, in a great way.
They put the Polar Care on me right after surgery and kept it on the whole time except when I was up and around (and sent it home with me.) I think it's better than the CryoCuff. It does use about a quart of ice, but you can buy a bag of ice and use that for a few days. The ice usually lasts all day.

I hope things go very well for you and you're hopping around (on both feet) very soon!
Terri, I wish you the BEST of luck and we will be waiting to hear that you are okay. Definitely ask about one of the is SO much easier than ice packs. I didn't know about them when I had my surgery, but I'd definitely purchase one if the hospital won't provide it for you to take home. Ask! Ask!!! Beg, even!!!

Have a great night before. Once you get going at the hospital, things just roll right along. So don't worry one bit about it. You're gonna be just fine!
Terri, I was lucky enough to lend Jo's Aircast and its been a great help, will be thinking of you tomorrow, lots of love and good luck, and hurry up and get better and back to posting, I'll miss your posts. XXXXX
Terri, Good luck today, I'm hoping it all goes your way. I'm fairly new, LTKR Nov 16th.
just over 3 weeks to wait. I guess if the waiting doesn't do you in, nothing else will. My thoughts are with you. Bob
Definitely the waiting is the worst part! I made myself bonkers!
I have a small ice therapy machine. The brand name is DeRoyal. It has been great, but it died last night. So stick with the major brand names!

You're gonna do great!
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