Dizzy Lizzy/put on Lyrica

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junior member
Mar 26, 2009
Richmond, Virginia
United States United States
Had my post op 8 wk. appt with the OS. Knee in great shape, but still having nerve pain below and on right side of knee cap. He put me on Lyrica(generic form Gabapentin) , I took one at bedtime and boy am I dizzy this morning. Any info on this and whether it will work? Thanks
Sorry you are having these problems but Lyrica is pregabalin not a generic form of Gababentin. I would speak with your PCP and see if they would change the Lyrica to Gababentin.

God Bless,
Hedgep --- my surgeon prescribed Lyrica twice a day for the first 2 weeks after my surgery along with Celebrex and aspirin as a blood thinner. Lyria is an anti-inflammatory which as far as I know does not have a generic in the US since I got Lyrica and my drug plan requires generic if available. The information which came from the pharmacy said Lyrica is prescribed for fibromyalgia and also for seizures. At any rate the combination was great and I never had any real pain. I had no side effects from these drugs; only from the pain killers which I stopped by the 5th day after surgery, switching to Tylenol Extra strength...
Gabapentin is the generic for Neurontin, most often prescribed to control seizures and also nerve pain caused by shingles. I was on it for about 6 weeks to treat extreme skin sensitivity in my outer thigh following hip replacement (even the slightest touch felt like electric shocks).

I did not experience any side effects, but was also on the lowest dose of 300 mg twice a day. Dizziness & drowsiness are among the most common side effects for this med, however. It DID work for me--super-sensitivity is gone. Hope it helps you, too, without causing other problems!
I was put on Lyrica for nerve pain in my thoracic spine. The side effect I suffered and caused me to be weaned off it after a few weeks was weight gain. Google it and see how many others experience weight gain.
I just started taking Gabapentin a week ago for nerve pain and fibromyalgia (my PKR was 12/07). It made me dizzy in the morning for the first couple of days, then subsided. Last night I started taking a larger dose and the dizziness came back. I hope it only lasts a day or two again.

The good news is that I am feeling better since I started it. I considered not doubling the dose but decided to follow my doctor's order and maybe I will feel even better!

Good luck to you! I hope it helps with your pain.


Had my post op 8 wk. appt with the OS. Knee in great shape, but still having nerve pain below and on right side of knee cap. He put me on Lyrica(generic form Gabapentin) , I took one at bedtime and boy am I dizzy this morning. Any info on this and whether it will work? Thanks
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