After my 1st and 2nd hip replacements, i was experiencing what felt like it was dislocating and then going back. My doctor told me that most patients have dislocations, the first 6 weeks to 6months (this was 6 years after) after the surgery and that i most likely was feeling the muscles and that perhaps the hip was almost dislocating. And yes it hurt like heck after it did what i called "That funky thing" Very painful to walk on it for a few days afterwards. This usually happened when i sat on the bleachers watching my kids play sports. But it would happen at other times. In 2000 i had my second hip replacement and the doctor told me i was not only having dislocations, but multiple ones.
Now 3 years later in 2006, i have a complete dislocation. Sleeping on the reclyner, not doing anything. Oh my god the pain. I told my hubby i was having a really bad butt cramp. he tried bringing me a chair and trying to get me to sit on it WRONG! then called the ambulance it hurt sooooooooo bad, but i still just thought it was a bad butt cramp. They had to cut my shorts off of me, and they where a good pair. and took xrays, but wouldnt let me know what was wrong. But i heard the xray tech on the phone with the er. doctor telling him she needed him in xray STAT. So they had to put a hysterical 40 year old under anethestesia and pop it back into place. Two months later in october of 2006 i had my final revision/hip replacement surgery and they special ordered the lining cup for me 17mm on one side. SO as it wont dislocate. When he took the old one out, told me i had worn a groove in it, cuz it dislocated so many times.
So, you might be experiencing like i did, that it popped out and popped right back in again!
My THR's where due to having congenital hip displasure and it not being discovered until i was 8 months old.
My thing is, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. dont let the doctors tell you somethings not happening , because of studies or what not.
I am now almost 43 and started having the most grossest feeling of my hip in the groin area popping really really loud! scares me, i keep thinking its gonna dislocate again and i would rather have 50 hammers dropped from above on my head than have it dislocate again! even child birth was like candy compared to the dislocation and it staying dislocated because the muscles just start going crazy when it pops out!