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Jan 30, 2008
United States
United States United States
hi again...i was doing so well and seems now i've gone backwards...i will be 4 weeks out on this monday w/total right knee replacement. the pain is still so intense when i'm doing therapy and yesterday my home therapist gave me new exercises and i could barely do them even w/her help.....she thinks i've developed tendonitis in my lower knee since i can't get the bend to straighten completely when i'm doing lifts and kicks.i don;t know if i should rest it a day or 2 , but i don't want to lose what ground i have gained.... i also have no hamstring strength...and find it so difficult to even pull my knee back towards me or push it out away from me when i'm stitting. am i worrying needlessly as she tells me or am i never going to be the same? i broke my wrist also, 2 hours after getting out of the hosp. the first night. i'm casted to my elbow so i'm hindered w/that. i had a major meltdown last night and sobbed for 2 hours..i'm a very young ,active 52 and i don;t want to be like this...can anyone tell me if they've had the same issues or if i'm paranoid for no good reason? i'm so so scared.......thanks for listening.....
Dear Discouraged,
I don't have a broken wrist, that alone makes your recovery so much more of a challenge. The good thing is it will get better. I am 5 weeks and only a week ago I too was crying and crying wondering if I would have been better off to just suffer with the arthritis and have left everything alone. I have a second knee replacement scheduled in a few weeks and actually thought of cancelling it. Now one week later, I do feel much better. I hated PT, but I mentioned in another posting that I changed my therapist and it was the best thing that happened to me.
I don't want to discourage you any more, but if you continue to have problems and do not improve you should go back to your surgeon and check it out. No harm in being on the safe side. I found when my PT person really hurt me it took 2 days to recover. I have mentioned that before, but it just wasn't the right program for me. I would rest 2 days, go back and be in the same boat all over again. So frustrating. I found out that I progressed more doing my own little things at home at my own speed, I took 4 days off from PT, then I went back and changed to the guy that does massage, stretches and is so kind, he is aggressive and tough but in a different way, then he goes into the routine things we all have to do. I found a huge improvement.
My biggest change though has been this past week. Hang in there next week you may be a different person.
I absolutely admire you for dealing with this and a broken wrist. I don't know how you have made it this far, really don't be too hard on yourself, not many could deal with that.
We do have another friend that has a broken finger, maybe the two of you will chat.
dear kath
thanks so much for the encouragement....i am just so scared and frustrated not knowing if what i'm feeling is normal...i've tried to read some of the "threads" and some of your replies , i'm not quite as computer literate as i'd like and don't know how to find the member w/the broken finger. I'm feeling more assured reading through this...right noe my bend is 114 which the pt said was awesome, but all my pain and swelling is in the front of the knee..like where the knee cap is and a little lower...it feels like a horribly tight rubber band is in there and keeping me from pulling my thighs up or dropping my knee down....do you ,or did you, feel that way? does anyone feel this, is it normal? i do go for a follow up appt the 20th (hoping the wrist cast comes off then too, can't take much more of it !!) . my husband made me take a day off therapy today and ice it a lot....i feel like i'll lose ground but i see on here others have done the same....it's to the point that i have to really convince myself that it is only 4 weeks monday and it was a major event so maybe it will be ok...guess i just need re-assurance.....i went into this so positive and now i'm just can't shake the negativity...so any experiences or tips anybody can share w/me are truly a blessing. my goal is to be able to walk through Atlanta airport April 12th w/out a cane or w/out the pain i used to have...think it's doable?
Post op blues - everyone has them, bsassy. And it is very normal. Your progress also sounds very normal. If anything you are pushing yourself a little too much. Remember it is still very early days and this is major surgery you have had. You are not going to spring back to normal any time soon.

That tight band feeling is pretty normal too. All part of the healing process. Be kind to yourself. You have a long way to go yet.

So far as walking through the airport in 12 weeks, I would say that was doable but even so, you need to have the right amount of rest as well as physio in order to achieve it.
I'm starting my 4th week tommarrow, and i have pain and alot of stiffness. I told my home therapist on last Thursday not to come anymore. She was treating me like I signed up for an excerise progam, arobics or something. I just started doing the printed excerises on my own not hers and I'm starting to feel strength build up alittle. Perhaps you need to change therapists too.
You must be reading my mind when your writing your concerns. I am 7 weeks out and I can relate to all you are saying. I still wonder if I made the right decision or did I swap one pain for another at the age of 51. But everyone I speak to says noway, this was the right route to go and unfortunately it will take a number of months until we get the benefits. So please keep going, I am, let's not give up, because after all this pain, all this work we are going to feel fantastic. We ARE going to look back at this and wonder why we ever worried. Try looking back the first time they got you out of bed and what little you could do and compare it to now. You'll realize that you did make progress. I always say to everyone that asks how I am doing I tell them I can not measure my progrss in inches, but only in millimeters. Progress is slow, yes, but weather you realize it or not progress is made. Let's work together and get through this. Your surely not alone, because I am right next to you experencing the exact same thing.
I am 11 weeks post-op tkr, and I am a ''young one" (41) I felt because of my age I would be up and this replacement would be a breeze! Well I soon found that it was HARD work! I noticed with my recovery I would reach a plateau and see no improvement then bam I was seeing improvement. Gage your recovery in milestones, not time. Celebrate each goal you reach. My first goal was to get rid of my walker, once I did that I went to my next goal, then after I reached each one I would set a more difficult one. You are doing wonderful! Keep the faith that you are reclaiming your life and you will beable to do everything again. Remember 1 thing it took years for your knee to get to the point you were before surgery, and it is going to take time for you to rebuild your muscels, and stamina.

I'm with you girls!! I'm also 51 - 5 weeks post op - TKR. I went back to work today....starting to rethink that move! I'll get "down" about my progress, then my husband will make a comment on how much more I'm bending in my normal sitting. I also went back to church for the first time, yesterday....we Lutheran's stand A LOT...it was rough, but I did it! (of course, I paid for it all afternoon - it was worth it)
Good Luck to each of you....I SOOOOOO look forward to the day that I put in a load of laundry....swiffer the floor...or even take a bath and NOT think "knee"...

we'll get there!!
Wow, what a response to all of us. Already don't you all see our improvements? I sure do. I just got back from PT and I rode the darn bike for 10 minutes and it was a breeze!
5 weeks out. I worked all day, had my mri done first thing this morning for my next knee.
No more cane, I can go up the steps with my new knee, almost normally, in fact I think it is my unoperated knee holding me back.
Last night in bed though I kept getting this muscle spasm thing behind my knee that was so painful it kept waking me up. It was best to get up and walk around and take a hot shower, that really helped. Lee you are right, it has taken me years to get this bad, so why did I think in a few weeks I would be up and running (ha ha)

also I wanted to tell Bsassy and Junebug this, I am 54 and my surgeon told me that I too was young for this surgery but that my knees were that of an 80 year old with osteo arthritis. He is a very well known surgeon ( I really did my homework finding the best that I thought I could in my area) and he told me that he has found it is actually harder to recover the younger you are. Mostly because we were so active and our expectations are so much more than a senior person that has this operation.

I agree, I am happy as long as I am making an progress and the biggest one that I worked for is to have less pain.

Bsassy, I will find the broken finger person for you if they haven't posted yet. If you click on new posts then after you scroll down and finish reading the newest on whichever one you selected, just go to the top left of your screen click on the arrow to go back to the new post page and select the next one, so on and so forth.

Rest and as far as the airport, I think it is possible and you know what if it hurts, call for the electric cart. Just go to any desk and they will get it for you. Nothing to be embarrassed about, just tell them you have had knee surgery and you would like assistance. You won't believe how fast you can get to the next gate!
Woo hoo!!

[Bonesmart.org] discouraged
Both of my children became engaged over the Christmas Holidays! I've really not had a chance to think "weddings"....I told the kids that they'd have to wait for me to heal somewhat until I had energy to put into TWO weddings!! Anyway....my youngest son, 24, is engaged to his college sweetie...her mom is a travel agent and has planned a cruise wedding for Dec. 3, 2008 to Cozumel.....I've got until then to get "cut a rug" ready!!

I wish you ALL the best of luck with reaching your goals....we've all got'em!!
I have LOTS of incentive to get this blasted leg into walking like a proud Mother of the Groom and then Mother of the Bride!!

wish me luck!!
hi pattipoo...love the name..CONGRATS!! on your kids upcoming nuptials..how exciting. i am sure that you are going to be the 1st one on that dance floor and the last one off.....we didn't go through this much pain and therapy to just look out at the ocean....just think how that sand is going to feel between your toes every time you do another rep of therapy.....focus on your new walk and stay strong! you are blessed to welcome 2 new members to your family....my step-son is 23 and is still waiting for miss "i'm a ten and here i am" to fall out of the sky and land in his lap....i have 5 step-sons that i have helped raise since the youngest who are twins were 3....so needless to say i'm anxious to get another girl into this family!
does anyone find that it hurts the progress to break up the therapy through the course of the day or is it better to go from start to finish in one session? i'm 4 wks tkr yesterday and still have the pt coming until i see my doc next week....i know i'll continue at an outpatient rehab centre but till then i do different excersises throughout the day but don't do them in consecutive order.....i find i have more strength that way but don't know if it's the right thing to do.......i'm also the one w/the broken wrist and cast to my elbow so dealing with both is wearing me out....
we are having a winter storm here.....hope everyone is safe and warm where you are.
BSASSY, I am 10 weeks post bilateral TKR and I also have that tight rubber band feeling in my left leg. So glad to hear josephine say that it is normal as I was concerned that something is wrong. I see my Dr. on Feb. 18, Hoping to return to work 4hrs./day to start out. Excited but scared. Keep on keeping on.
hey jannd,,,i know, i was really scared thar the new knee was the wrong size or that it had slipped.....my worst pain is when i pull up my leg, hold it under the knee , try to extend it and then let it drop....killer ! and it's not getting easier. my therapist says i'm the kind that needs constant reassurance, i guess i am , but it sure helps to know others are in the same boat......i never know how much p.t. i should do during the day.....what's everyone else's schedule? i usually get all my excersises done but i'm not sure i'm doing enough or if spreading them out through the day is the best way to go....what does everyone else do? stay warm , i'm in PA and we have so much snow and ice, it's probably a blessing that i'm housebound........lol
I am in PA also. I go to PT 3 times a week, 5.5 weeks out now. The hardest thing for me is bending my leg back. I still feel like I improve every day, but I do feel the most flexible now after PT. I am back at work full time and right now spending way too much time sitting at my computer, so I don't get much done until I get home. I just try to do stretches at my desk and slide my foot back and forth a lot, get up and take some walks that sort of thing. More practical every day stuff. I go up and down the steps properly, things like that. At night I try to do all my exercises that I am instructed to do.
My PT keeps adding more to my work out each time I am in and is very pleased so I am not pushing it. I feel better know than I have since I had the surgery. I do still take pain meds before I go to bed and before PT. That's about it now. The ice this morning was scary, I was so afraid to just go out to my car. I made it and now back in for the night!
In the other knee forum "After Knee Replacement", there are two stickies at the top with some really good posts from other members about their PT. I di recommend that you read them. Much excellent information and advice there. IO keep adding to them as I come upon the good stuff!
josephine oe any one out there,,,,,i am so computer challenged i can't find the other knee forum "After knee Replacement" .... can you guide me there? today was a step back day from yesterday.......yesterday i had a really good p.t. session, had company in the afternoon and again in the evening....mastered the stairs at home w/good then bad knee all the way up...... managed to stay asleep most of the night and even slept to 9:30 this morning...and then it hit when i tried to get out from under the covers....i felt like i could not move anything , let alone my new knee.....i've hardly been able to do 20 reps of any p.t. today let alone times three sets....is this common to feel this whipped.....? i was on top of the world last night thinking that i'm really making progress and now tonight i'm lower than low wondering if i'll get the energy to even kiss my valentine tonight???? does this happen frequently? i'm 4-1/2 wks out..... i was hoping to go toi dinner this wk/end coming w/some friends to finally get out of the house but now i'm not so sure....?!
It is common. You used a lot of energy yesterday. I have been through this over and over again. Actually I am usually every other day, a great day full of energy and expectation and the next day just so tired. Not pain, just so tired. And after a good night's rest, oh yes so stiff I can hardly move for awhile. Just walk it off. Drink a cup of hot tea, and kiss your valentine and rest up. Tomorrow will be better. Go out, just plan to rest the next day. Can't stay in all the time. Take a nap before you go out and plan to crash when you get back. I am back to work ft now and believe me, even the days when I work at my desk all day, wow I am exhausted. It is normal, don't worry.
As far as the other postings, I am not sure if this is what you need, but this is how I do it. I go to bonesmart.org then I select patient forum, then at the top in the red bar I click on new posts. Then there is a list, I go to each one, click on it and then scroll down to the latest entries. After reading, writing in that one, I go back up to the top left of your screen and click on the back arrow, might have to do it a few times to get back to the original screen and then select the next subject. So on and so forth. Hope that helps.
Bsassy, I'm also from Pa., 54 and post bilateral tkr. I find that spreading my pt thouughout the day is helpful. It helps me with the stiffness somewhat. I still have this nagging pull in my left knee when I bend it. It feels to me as though the underlying tissue is adhered to the prosthesis or something, but I can still bend my knee although I need to work it much more than the right one. Not sure if this is normal or not. I see my Dr. on Monday, guess I'll find out.
i'm really in awe of you jannd , and anyone else that does both knees at once.....i'm not sure how you could stand it but my snaps to all of you....i have all the pain i could handle with just one.being done....of course i had to go and fall 2 hrs. after coming home from the hosp. and break my wrist in multiple places and go back to surgery for plates and pins put in it.....that hasn't been easy or helped my recovery. i have a question for you guys......how long does it take to be pain free!!?? i will be 5 wk. post op for my right knee on this coming monday and i am still stiff, sore and swollen.....i getting around w/out a cane but haven;t ventured outside since i've come home.....i'm still doing pain meds morning and evening and if i do therapy i'll take one a half hour before we start......i don't feel like i'll ever have my life back or ever be "normal" again. is it normal to still have pain at this point?? i see my dr. Wednesday of this week , i hope this cast comes off but that's iffy at best....i can handle it if i know it's normal and that there is life after tkr.......please help me deal ..... my confidence is fading that i'll ever get rid of the pain and discomfort and be able to walk normally or just walk comfortably again......i do p.t. faithfully and still person like a wuss because of the discomfort and i am only a very young 52!
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