Discomfort in hips!!!

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new member
Jun 14, 2009
United States
I'm almost 3 weeks post op and having some discomfort in the hip/SI and IT band my flex is good, told ahead of game by PT, but how long does this under the knee aching last??
Hi genie, and welcome to BoneSmart. I've moved your post into a thread of its own so you don't derail TCHarps thread and so you get replies of your own.

That's a mute question as it differs so much from individual to individual. I've been lucky in that I've had none but I know plenty of others have so I'm betting they'll soon jump in to share their own experiences with you.
I am almost at 3 months and I hate to tell you I still have a stiff IT band and the discomfort under the knee. Also a slight pain inside
bottom of knee cap. Not enough for meds but it is bothersome.

I am going to OS on Thursday for my 3 month check up and I intend to ask him about the IT band and the discomfort under and around the knee.
Hi amd welcome . You are 3 weeks out and will prob have somethings that come up. Its all in recovery. I think my tightness stopped at about 7 weeks sure hope yours does soon, but everyone is different I know. Hang in there........Take your medicine. If your flex in good thats terrific............Keep it up. It really does get better.............
Welcome to the forum, Genie. We're glad you found us.

I had pain in my hip off and on until about the 6 month mark. I think a lot of it was because I was pushing pretty hard. I had it checked (and xrayed) by my surgeon, but there was no real hip problem. He said it happens sometimes and is soft tissue swelling....take NSAIDS. So I did and it went away.

The IT band problem is something that a number of people here have experienced. Your therapist should be able to help with that, so discuss it with them. I'm thinking I remember most folks lost it by the 3rd or 4th month. It takes some work to get things stretched out. You can search old threads here for "IT Band" posts. About a year ago, there were a lot of discussions going on about it.
I had BI-TKR 7 months ago and went through several ODD things.
1. Extreme foot pain had to buy all new shoes the old ones wore in a pattern from my pre- surgery limp even though they looked new they were still worn. New shoes no more pain.
2.Heel pain like a stone bruise caused from walking incorrectly for years.
3. Hip pain and cramps in the muscle surrounding the hip also caused from bad alignment,limping etc.

All of the occurred at different stages of my rehab process but I can say at 6 months all were gone.

today was the 1st day I actually felt like do any housework getting some of my energy back, did venture down cellar stairs to do laundry. I have a baseball shaped bunch on the r side of knee called Dr and he said it was inflammation, so still icing it but PT thought it felt warm. does the numbness around incision ever go away?? about 8:30 pm is when the aching starts so makes sleeping well an issue, I can do a lot more than before the surg couldn't even walk down the driveway to get mail. Hopefully the recovery is progressing, want to go to pool this week , PT said no kicking though.
Hi Genie,

The pool is wonderful once the wound is completely healed. Check with your OS about this. Bacteria can get into an open wound and you DON'T want that. They told me I couldn't even apply anything until that happened.

The time frame they gave me on the swelling was up to 3-4 months and longer in some cases. Not what you want to hear, but this is reality.

The night time pain is all too familiar as well to most of us. For whatever reason it hurts more at night. I can remember the flopping in bed trying to get comfortable. Hubby even had to move to the counch to get some rest. :zzz: At least one of us could sleep.

At 3 months all of the above are much better. Time is the greatest healer. As Barb said in another post, they didn't tell us we would have to compromise so much. Just learn to listen to your body and listen well. You will be much happier if you do. Don't overdo just because you feel good. Pace yourself or you'll be down a day or two to recoop. Not worth it in my book.

I also had the pain in the hips and shoulders. Most of it is gone now. Probably because I'm walking unassisted now and not putting pressure on these areas. Sometimes my shoulders still hurt when I actually sleep for 5 or more hours at a time. Figure it's because of the pressure applied from sleeping on my side. Don't really know. Just a thought. Told hubby whose shoulder is really bothering him we don't need to compete!

Hope this helps some.
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