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Difference in Doctor's Opinions Amazing!

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junior member
May 11, 2008
United States
This is just an opinion.... I think after reading everyone's posts on here that it is just amazing how much different doctor's have different opinions.

Great pain meds - almost no pain meds

Take Clucosime & Chondrotin - not allowed to take it

Can do different activities - almost no activities

Two hips at once - Only can have on done at a time

The list goes on and on and on

I agree with you. That is why I am not doing anything more and keeping to all my hip restrictions and rules until I see my doc this friday.

Something I always told my staff when they moaned about new surgeons doing things 'wrong' (i.e. not how they were used to seeing it done!) was this

Each doctor/surgeon has a unique training and career experience. Each one works with a different collection of 'bosses' from whom they glean their clinical and surgical training. From each one they work under, they absorbed certain elements of their practice. To that mix, they add ideas and experiences of their own, ending up with their own unique style of practicing their art.

Now you might think this is annoyingly confusing but it's from these unique personal styles that we end up with advances like hip and knee replacements.

So vive la differance, I say!
That makes sense and I suppose when the Doc gives us the go ahead were happy but if we have the one who says not yet were sad.
I have been on this forum since April and if we put all the different doctors together, I would gather the consensus would be that most of us HURT quite a bit after surgery and need whatever makes us feel better. I feel most of us get what we want.

Activities, I see a majority on here saying stick to the hip precautions for pretty much 6 weeks give or take a week or two. And, after an operation like that, who wants to screw with a brand new EXPENSIVE hip.

I did have a nurse from my insurance company telling me to take the Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM mixture for the joints. It definetly cqnnot hurt and I am on my second bottle....but am I feeling any results, I really do not know. You will get mixed results from the knees. Some love it and some are like me, just hoping something is helping.

Having double Hip replacement??? As Josephine has said, all doctors are different and some of us probably fit in that category. But, double hip replacement at the same time is rare these days unless Trauma. I have a friend that had one done and 3 months later the other. I am at 5 months post and will need the other replaced. I am still having issues recovering from this one. That is why I am doing everything I can to get this newbie well and strong. More than likely I will have the right replaced at the end of the year or first of next year. Arthritis is a NASTY word around here.

Anyway, I have rattled on, but yes All of our Doctors are Very Different and Very Similar in so many ways. Patty
ending up with their own unique style of practicing their art.

Nurse/friend told me once, that's why it is called the practice of medicine, not the "absolutely perfect , know exactly 100% of the time, never get it wrong of medicine."
And that is why it is so important to be informed, self advocating and make decisions, not just let it happen to you.
And Jennifer,
Been there and done that years ago in Houston, TX....After this Jack@#$ doctor tried to perform a DnC in his office when I was misscarrying, I learned from then on....Better know everything...And this OBGYN was the doctor to the President of Mexico's wife at the time. I think his middle name was IDIOT... Ended up having to have another DnC by another doctor for not getting it all....Had I been well informed, things could have been much different....Patty
patty, so sorry you went thru that. I have my list of they should haves, and i should have.... We learn as we go i suppose. that is why this forum is so vital. And obviously all that self advocation applies if you are able. Sad how many without the where with all and/or someone to help get stuck with those regards. My room mate in the hospital was elderly and of means and her family had gone to the extent of hiring private nursing for her. Good right!? NO! Everytime she didn't sleep well or expressed concern the nurse called the hospitalist DR. The hospitalist, without coming to see her would prescribe a different drug. This probably happened 3-4 times in a 24 hour period. She ended up so over medicated on anxiety & stress meds that they thought she was having a stroke when she couldn't talk. Only after the catscan &/or MRI the decided she had been over medicated. Poor thing. And certainly not in my eyes to the fault of the nurses. The nurses just followed Drs orders. I say 100% the hospitalist who not once came to see her until after the tests. She was probably in pain and didn't know how to communicate that, so she descibed it as worry and restlessness. (can you tell I didn't like the hospitalist?)
How funny for you to say that...My good friends mom has been in the hospital for 5 LONG months....Same thing about the overmedicating...What happened was one doctor would give her this and then the other that...And no one wanted to take the blame for not monitoring her more...She got out of the hospital about 3 weeks ago and my friend just came by to tell me her mom's Lymphoma has come back. So that means in her very weakened state they are going to have to knock her to put a port in as she has no veins left. I just shook my head when she told me. Patty
I imagine that besides not having family to advocate this is worse for seniors because their body can not handle the drugs the same as a younger patient? maybe? Jo?
All I know is that hospitalist was way off. She was the DR I had to see for my pre-surg physical and she was way off about things with me, but I had to go through HER motions if I wanted to get the OK to proceed. Grrr!
Sandy,Having double Hip replacement??? As Josephine has said, all doctors are different and some of us probably fit in that category. But, double hip replacement at the same time is rare these days unless Trauma.

Rare? Not at all. There are many. many OS who will do them. They are pretty common practice in the UK as well. The thing that is uncommon is finding patients who have both hips ready for replacement at the same time. That's not as common as you might think ...
Sorry About The Misquote Miss Josephine.... And Yes, I Can See Where Patients Would Not Be A Candidate For Both At The Same Time...that Would Be Me.... It is taking everything I have to recover from the first THR. My OS Wants To See If I Can Make It Another Year On The Right But As The Pain Slowly Increases I Am Hoping To Make It To The End Of The Year... We Will See...patty
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