I have been on this forum since April and if we put all the different doctors together, I would gather the consensus would be that most of us HURT quite a bit after surgery and need whatever makes us feel better. I feel most of us get what we want.
Activities, I see a majority on here saying stick to the hip precautions for pretty much 6 weeks give or take a week or two. And, after an operation like that, who wants to screw with a brand new EXPENSIVE hip.
I did have a nurse from my insurance company telling me to take the Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM mixture for the joints. It definetly cqnnot hurt and I am on my second bottle....but am I feeling any results, I really do not know. You will get mixed results from the knees. Some love it and some are like me, just hoping something is helping.
Having double Hip replacement??? As Josephine has said, all doctors are different and some of us probably fit in that category. But, double hip replacement at the same time is rare these days unless Trauma. I have a friend that had one done and 3 months later the other. I am at 5 months post and will need the other replaced. I am still having issues recovering from this one. That is why I am doing everything I can to get this newbie well and strong. More than likely I will have the right replaced at the end of the year or first of next year. Arthritis is a NASTY word around here.
Anyway, I have rattled on, but yes All of our Doctors are Very Different and Very Similar in so many ways. Patty