I know that question may sound silly to most people, but I have a feeling that the folks on this forum understand. I'm a planner, to the extreme if you ask my husband, and this is on my 'to do' list before surgery. I keep seeing people talk about not sleeping after surgery, and while they list lots of reasons, it seems that having to sleep on your back, if that's not your preferred position, is at the top of the list. I already have trouble sleeping and reluctantly take a couple of Benadryl before bed, and maybe some melatonin. I generally prefer to avoid any medications.
I'm having a mini-posterior approach done and know that there will be some restrictions, although I'm not sure yet what they recommend for how long to wait before I can sleep on my non-operative side and my operative side (I assume that they're different recommendations). Also, if it's best to sleep on your back to heal properly, then that's what I'll try to do for as long as possible.
I've started to practice sleeping on my back. I put a pillow under my knees and another under my feet. I've tried several different pillows under my head and think I've found one that works finally. I can get comfy, I just can't fall asleep. Before I know it I'm back on my side. I've seen a lot of people talk about sleeping in a recliner, but we don't own one and wouldn't get one just for the surgery. What is it about the recliner that helps? Maybe I can mimic it with pillows?
Also, do you know how high you're allowed to raise your knees on pillows when lying in bed? I'm going to ask all of these questions in the pre-surgical class at the end of February, but that won't leave me a lot of time to work out a solution.
I appreciate any tips that may have worked for you.
I'm having a mini-posterior approach done and know that there will be some restrictions, although I'm not sure yet what they recommend for how long to wait before I can sleep on my non-operative side and my operative side (I assume that they're different recommendations). Also, if it's best to sleep on your back to heal properly, then that's what I'll try to do for as long as possible.
I've started to practice sleeping on my back. I put a pillow under my knees and another under my feet. I've tried several different pillows under my head and think I've found one that works finally. I can get comfy, I just can't fall asleep. Before I know it I'm back on my side. I've seen a lot of people talk about sleeping in a recliner, but we don't own one and wouldn't get one just for the surgery. What is it about the recliner that helps? Maybe I can mimic it with pillows?
Also, do you know how high you're allowed to raise your knees on pillows when lying in bed? I'm going to ask all of these questions in the pre-surgical class at the end of February, but that won't leave me a lot of time to work out a solution.
I appreciate any tips that may have worked for you.