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Day after Tomorrow--My Big Deal Day!

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junior member
Jan 12, 2009
United States United States
To all of you who have written to me and encouraged me and answered all my questions dumb or not. Thank you!
My surgery is June 4th. I was so very touched my my son's surprise package yesterday because he lives on Nantucket. He sent me capri's to be comfly in while I was laid up. A box of Special K bars so I con't gain weight while I recover, a puzzle book when I'm bored and a romance novel written by an author on Nantucket. I actually broke down crying. He said he didn't was me to be afraid.
My frineds have been wonderful here too. I can't tell you the overwhelming love I feel from everyone in my town. My two little elderly aunts called today because they wanted to send their love.
So I'm blessed by my daughter and her husband and my son and husband too.
I love you all on this site. You are remarkable people. I will share some of my pictures so you will see what I look like and my knees.
God Bless!
Hi Jayne I just posted on your older thread, I thought it was in a day or two. That is terrific all the support you have , that will make a difference. Very sweet of your son, you will need all of those things. You can always get on here and chat or ask questions. Im sure you will be fine. You will be happy you had this done. Do the things you miss doing. Hang in there . Please let us know how you are feeling as soon as you feel up to it.......take care.....See you on the other side.....
Jayne! You'll be on the other side before you know it! You will do great! Its so comforting you have such wonderful support,,,,,,that will definitely help you in your recovery! All the best! out!!!! Jayne's coming!!!!! :)
See, I told you you'd be ready when your turn came. We're all excited for you. It sounds like you have a wonderful and loving support system to help you. That includes us (although I was actually talking about your family and the people in your town)!

Good luck!
Best wishes Jayne, for a happy and healthy recovery.
Very best wishes for the 4th. I expect you are both excited and apprehensive, as all of us have been. It will soon be over, and you will be on the road to recovery. With your positive attitude, and all that fantastic support, you should be fine. Just remember that the first two weeks can be hard work - not pain, just a struggle at first - and then you should progress in leaps and bounds (maybe not literally!)

Let us all know when you are 'on the other side' as we'll all be waiting to hear from you.
You will do just fine. Be patient, be an advocate for yourself if necessary, and know the exhaustion you will feel during those first 2 weeks is totally normal. Take you naps, do your PT, and allow yourself to be pampered!
You will be on the road to a more active pain free life following your surgery. I wish you well. Pace yourself!
Kim,Judles,Surfsister,Aussie and Val, I have tears in my eyes reading your comments. I do talk about all of you to my family so believe when I think of my support system, I mean you also! I think of you all thorugh my days and when you go through your day know you have helped me. Love and hugs!!!
Thank you Crystal...............great advice!!!!
Hi Jayne,

Isn't it great to have people you can talk to who really understand. Your family do their best but there is nothing like speaking to those who know exactly what those fears, anxieties and eventually excitement that seems so trivial, (eg, climbing stairs or getting your first revolution on a bike) to those without bionic bits but is a tremedous achievement to us. Can't wait to hear from you on the other side.
The 4th is tomorrow, and I did not want to forget to tell
that I will be looking forward to hearing from you when
you are able to post and tell us how everything went for
you!!! I am so happy that you will have all the support
that you will need while you are healing. Plus us here on
the forum. My prays will be with you tomorrow.
Jayne: My husband is 5 weeks now, and truthfully, I never thought I would see the light at the end of the tunnel. But, low and behold, it is starting to shine brighter and brighter every day. You will get there too, keep posting.
God bless you, Jayne. Look forward to seeing you post on the 'other side'! (Recovery forum!!)
Jayne, it's been quite a journey for you already to get to this point, but you will soon be starting your new life. We'll be here to support you in whatever way you need....

[] Day after Tomorrow--My Big Deal Day!
well, maybe NOT by giving you the million bucks you'd like to have :hehe:, but support in many OTHER ways!

I'll be thinking of you, sending prayers your way and waiting to hear from you once you are up to posting.
I think Jamie means....its as good as $
in the bank!!! :)
All the best --take the advice on this board, surgery will be a distant memory soon. Friends are the greatest. (my gal pals are taking me to the beach for the weekend and promise to cater to my every (knee) need.)
See you soon Jayne....Happy Thoughts always...Dont forget.!!!!!!!!You will be so happy you did this............
Ouch, I am really happy to here that after all you all have been through. Hes a real trooper , you as well !!!!!!!!!!!1
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