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Day 15 and now swelling at end of incision

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junior member
Aug 5, 2009
United States
Morning everyone!

I woke up this morning with a swollen area at the end of the incision on my hip (incision starts on my butt cheek and curves around to exact center of my leg on the right).

I have had very minimal swelling after surgery and this is worries me. When I look down at it, there is a noticible lump. It is not red or angry looking or sore. When I push around on it, I cant really feel anything. I have a bit more pain in my leg maybe where the replacement goes into the femur?? not sure if I said that right. But, I could be imagining that and it really just feels like it always does.

I am keeping an eye on it and it could be normal....just would like to hear yall's opinion of it.

I forgot to say that I forgot my blood thinner shot yesterday so we did it this morning. That is the only thing different. I did not move any more than usual yesterday or have any "oh ****" moments of maybe I moved wrong.
You didn't give an idea of the size of the lump. A grape? A walnut? A tangerine? Is it discoloured?

My guess is that it's either a small collection of blood (happens sometimes) or, if it's smaller than the grape, it's most likely a buried stitch knot.
Um, I would think a walnut maybe a little bigger. It is not discoloured. I went on and called the OS this afternoon and they want me in on Monday morning. yay!!
I have visions of them wanting to lance it and drain....yikes...have I mentioned that I am a total baby when it comes to blood or pain? :)
Thanks for the response Jo!!
No think positive you going just let him tell me you....I know like Jo said a few people ad that stitch thing happen to me.....hope its something small and nothing to worry about......Please let us know..............think positive.............)
Glad you called and they will see you monday. always better to be reassured. Let us know
I doubt they'll do anything. Not big enough to worry about and it will resolve on its own.
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