Day 10 post op THR report

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junior member
May 11, 2009
United States
United States United States
Things are going a lot better since my last post. T-Bone was right, days 5-7 was the worst. Swelling and fluid on my knee was bad. I had lots of heat emitting from my knee and thigh. Ice packs didn't last long. Thursday, 1 week after my surgery I went to bed with my legs raised above my head. I had to get up every 1-2 hours to relieve myself. The swelling has subsided (mostly). I even went to the mailbox today with my walker. I should get my staples out tomarrow. Maybe a cane is in my near future. But most of all I have the best home care ever. My wife has been GREAT this last week. I know God sent her to me because he knew that I would need a special person to put up with me and care for me as I get older and fall apart.
What a sweetie you are, Mark!!! Sounds like you deserve the good woman you found. It is amazing the progress that can be made quickly once the healing starts. It will continue to get better so you need to start making lists of all the new things you want to do when your hip is ready.
You to sound like you work well together. I think this surugery brought my husband and I even closer. He has def. seen me at my worst. And hes still It is important in recovery and it sounds like she is a terrific lady.......Both of you take care!! Im sure you will continue to imporove with that support system............
Feel better,,,,,, Mark! It's so nice to hear you appreciate your wife! Keep telling her! You're a sweetheart!
thats great mark. i'm so glad your doing better. you also made me aware of some of those difficult first few days. exactly what to expect. the unknown is always more scary. wishing you the best.
Maybe God gave you to her so that she is able to show love and compassion to is wonderful for her to nurture someone else and maybe this trial (THR) is there to teach YOU how to nurture and care for her as you BOTH fall apart in old age....Thats why we vow (or at least I did) in "sickness and in health"

Things will continue to improve...
Hi Mark

I suffered a lot with my knee swelling up after my op - however it is now better than it has been for years (the hip must have been affecting my knee too :rant: )

At times it was almost football sized :shk:
But it all went away slowly and for the last few weeks I have not even thought about my knee - so I am guessing that all is now OK. It is the same size as my non operated side - again not been that good for a few years !! At one point it was so tight and sore that I thought there was a serious problem with it !

You definately did the right thing with the elevation - works a treat :thmb: And keep up with the exercises - they do help to keep your joints free while you are inactive

Won't be for long mate :thmb:

Here is the rest of the story about my wonderful wife. She took time off work to be with me 24/7 after my surgery. Tomarrow she has to go back to work. She has been a nurse for 30 years. The last 5 has been for a local hospice. She has helped many patients through the dying process. But most most of all she has helped the families cope with the stress of caring for their dying loved ones and sadness of losing them. She loves her job, she is one in a million. Oh and the doctor even let her take my staples out.
Wow....what a wonderful gift your wife is....bless you both! Congrats on your speedy improvements....I'm 3-1/2 weeks out and am still using a walker....don't feel secure on the uneven areas in and around my house. But am improving and certainly appreciate it!

Keep up the good attitude, you'll do great!
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