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Dawnie here

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May 15, 2009
United Kingdom
hi everyone, have managed to get online to post how things are going. Jo came in to see me yesterday but to be honest i was so spaced out on morphine that i was hardly aware. anyway the truth has transpired, after coming out of surgery my anaesthtist wrote up a regime of pain relief, but after complaining of extreme pain yesterday, much more than i had anticipated, it came to light that i had received NO pain relief during the night. as you can imagine there has been a massive enquiry as to why i have not received the meds, allowing a massive build up pain that has been hard to get back under control. anyway am pleased to report on the mend now, been walking with zimmer today, sticks tomorrow and stairs on friday, then hopefully home. will post again soon. xx
Wow, NO pain relief after a BTKR????? I certainly hope that people are taken in hand today!!!! Goodness sakes!

I hope you can get it all under control soon, and hang in there! You are doing GREAT, and look even more wonderful! :)
Dawnie, you sound great in spite of what you've had to endure....NO PAIN MEDS???? Oh my gosh! Honey, you are one tough cookie. I'm thinking I would have been screaming so loud I would have been heard across two continents.

So glad to hear from you. Now rest, get well, and we'll look forward to hearing from you again when things are going a bit more smoothly.
Hi Dawnie

No pain Meds:shk::shk::shk::shk: Oh wow Jo will have plenty to "inject" on that:hehe:

You take care and make sure you get those pain meds.

Glad you are able to post once in a while. Will be looking forward to your post.
Oh Dawnie!
I am so very sorry that this happend to you! That's a terrible thing you've had to endure. Let me tell you honey, you are one tough cookie to come through that as well as you have. Jo had called me last night to tell me she'd seen you and that you were in pain but she had no idea of the mis-management of pain meds!
Dawnie it will get better from now on. Just hang in there and follow what you need to do. I'm glad they seem to have it under control at this point. Remember that you have to be your own advocate and if you hurt.... yell about it! Especially while you are in hospital and they can manage it like they're suppose to.
We'll be so glad to hear from you again when you can and let us know how your doing. Prayers are coming your way Dawnie.
Blessings to you Always~~
Dang it Dawnie,
I thought everything was going honkey dorie!! So sorry that you
had to play catch up!! It is hard to get the pain back under control
after it gets ahead of you that is for sure. I pray that this is the
oop's you have to deal with in your recovery.
Congrats for being on the other side! Sorry about the lack of pain medication..... If you find you need something and they are lax at getting it to you in a timely manner, phone the hospital you are in and ask for the nursing station on your floor. I did this when they cleaned my room and moved my shoes so I could not get out of bed! Ringing the buzzer did not good as the nurses are overwhelmed with those, but they always answer the telephone! Call them! That is how I was proactive for myself! Try it if necessary.......
Know you will recover and pace yourself with your exercises.
Glad to hear from you!
thank you all, am much better today, have been walking with frame, pain is under control now. will post soon. xx
tbh, I'm not surprised. Nothing surprises me with that ward! When my sister had her second knee done (2 years ago) she had no pain meds for ages either - her PCA didn't work all night and the nurses just kept telling her to press the button. Turned out the cannula had tissued! :doh: Then they never gave her anything all the next 36hrs until I discovered and kicked up a fuss. Fings ain't wot they used to be! But I'm pleased to hear that the surgeon and the anaesthetist are making a formal complaint about it.
Dawnie I am so glad things are under control now. You sound good. I hooe you endured all you have to and the rest is smooth sailing
Hi dawnie, sorry about your pain meds. that's INEXSCUSABLE! you
must of been In AGONY! I'm happy to hear about a formal
complaint. All My best and hopes your resting comfortably.
sincerly, Tom
Hey Dawnie no meds I cant even imagine ouch......glad its straight now and i wish you a speedy recovery.......take care ........)
Oh NO! Dawnie! Can't believe they didn't give you pain meds!! HELLO!!! She just had a DOUBLE bi lat surgery!!:shk::shk::shk::shk:
Thank heavens you bturned the corner and you sound so much better now!!! Just take it slow! Look forward to hearing from you soon! :wink::wink:
Holy ****! Dawnie, I wish I knew, I would have flown over and kicked some butt!
I am glad to hear that you are doing better.
HI Dawnie, I am speechless at the thought of no pain meds. OUCH!
You are one tough cookie.

Congrats on your progress and take care of you.

its day 3 after op, and i managed to get myself out of bed by myself, washed and dressed in proper clothes, only i forgot and tied to sit withouut walking my legs out, i can almost get 90 degees with my left leg, but i thought i was going to be sick trying to force the right one, i am now back in bed and t is swollen n thombing but i cant ice it because apparently only PT can fill the aircast buckets and there are no PT on the ward,, only nurses, how ridiculous, if i knew where the ice was i would do it myself.
Oh boy! That is so, so stupid! Are their nurses really so dumb they can't refil a bucket with ice and water?

Evidently ........ ye-e-e-e-s!
Time to call the front desk! Ask for a PT refill your ice where needed, if one is still not available ask the head of the hospital to visit you. If that doesn't happen ASAP request your wheel chair to get you to the ice machine so you can fill it yourself! Be proactive......... The squeaky wheel gets the grease. So what if they think your are witchy with a B! I hope the PT goes well for you!
Be sure you keep your wheelchair in the LOCKED position whenever you stop, or when you lean (a little to get something like ice). I almost made the mistake of leaning too far w/out the wheels locked and became airborne.

.....Just in case someone hasn't pointed out the issue with locked wheelchairs with you yet.
I'm typing this again, the other time it disappeared, so hopefully it's not on the forum somewhere.

I'm so sorry about your pain, but thankful you're doing much better now. I can't imagine why they didn't check things out further when they saw you were in pain.

When I was in the hospital, the second night I was just so tired and couldn't sleep. They gave me a choice of Ambien which is a sleep medication, or pain pills. I chose Ambien, but then only slept for 2 hours. It can't overcome that kind of pain. I asked for pain medication, and the nurse said she couldn't give me any because I'd had the Ambien. When the next shift came in to check on me a few hours later, I was shaking with pain. The nurse was dismayed. So, apparently pain medication is the number one thing that can get messed up in the hospital. For anyone who hasn't been through surgery yet, be ready to be noisy and repetitive with your needs.

I hope the rest of your recovery is smooth!

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